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Women Engineers.... 44

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By your logic, government housing projects wouldn't be the dens of drug use and crime that they are. Folks in those areas recieve the financial support that you say will prevent poverty, crime, drug use, and bad breath.

I think that if people are forced to live with the consequences of their actions, regardless of the age at which those actions were taken, they will be less likely to repeat negative actions. Conversely, if they are insulated from those consequences, they are more likely to continue the activity that got them into trouble in the first place. Additionally, the tendency for irresponsible behavior is passed on to the next generation, creating a cycle of poverty.

"On the human scale, the laws of Newtonian Physics are non-negotiable"
I for one am prepared to offer some support to my fellow man.

I agree as well.
There is one exception though. I personally get pissed when I see immigrants come to my country and take advantage of this (if you know what I mean).

Fe (IronX32)
Pat, charity is a good thing and we should all engage in it. However, I believe a more personal touch in its application is warranted because we are all different. Sometimes a helping hand helps and sometimes it enables. One reason I failed the personality profile recently is because a "yes" answer to some of the questions would have identified me as an enabler. I have no desire to do for someone something they can and should do for themselves. I have enough experience in that area from family members to colleagues and beaus. Some people I will help because I know it will help. Others not because they're looking for an easy way out and any help will only enable them. That does no one any good. That's just my thinking on the matter.

I agree with dwallace1971, too. I've seen first hand my dad's parents rescue him from all sorts of problems he created and he never learned his lessons, consequently. My dad is not the only one I've watched in this situation either. The results are always the same, lessons are not learned.

Pamela K. Quillin, P.E.
Quillin Engineering, LLC
And we must be careful not to confuse charity with government largesse. Charity is when you take a dollar from your pocket to give to someone you deem needy. Government largesse is when you take a dolloar from someone else's pocket to give to someone you deem needy. The first example is the very essence of generosity. The second bears a striking resemblence to theft.

"On the human scale, the laws of Newtonian Physics are non-negotiable"
Remind me, how does abuse or otherwise of the welfare system pertain to the number of women in Engineering.

Posting guidelines faq731-376 (probably not aimed specifically at you)
What is Engineering anyway: faq1088-1484
Well if the vast majority women did not act in such a foolish irresponsible and lazy manner and end up on welfare with 8 kids by 22 years of age, they would be available to study and become engineers. They could then be sterilised so the education would not be wasted on useless activities like child bearing.


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My wife worked in a doctor's office as a receptionist. One of the nurses was a 21 year old with a 4 year old child. She became pregnant again, still unwed, becasue the state aid stopped when the first child became 5. By having a second, she got another 5 years of support and a higher support amount, because there were now 3 in the 'family'.

Some people learn the system rules and how to take advantage of them.

"Wildfires are dangerous, hard to control, and economically catastrophic."

Ben Loosli
A cousin retired from Social Security and a childhood friend of mine replaced her. The job entails going after dead-beat dads, which are in abundance. The stories they've told make your hair curl, which explains my hair. They do, indeed, find ways to corrupt the system and use their children to do it. Some wealthy people do the same thing.

I tend to think if men weren't so pushy about their "needs" women would do a better job of not pro-creating. ;-)

Pamela K. Quillin, P.E.
Quillin Engineering, LLC
I do not mean to imply it is all the ladies fault. It takes two to procreate and all to many men shirk their responsibility and often couples pretend the mum is single to exploit the system. Often the mum is genuinely deserted and left literally holding the baby. Sometimes women contrive to get pregnant specifically to exploit the system.

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Pat, I don't refer to date rape. Some men will badger women for a date until they are worn out and give in even though they are not interested. If the woman doesn't want another date, the man continues to pursue until she gives in again. Sometimes it's ended in matrimony. That's happened to more than one woman I know. I'm thinking of my step-mother right now and a few others.

Pamela K. Quillin, P.E.
Quillin Engineering, LLC

I find that very difficult to imagine although I am sure it is true.

I certainly can't see it happening to anyone in my family as all the girls are quite strong minded, but our family strongly supports women standing up for themselves. I don't see it being much of a possibility with most of our friends either, but I guess you gravitate toward people of similar values. Most of our girls are considered tomboys and are very confident about themselves. I guess a few here are as well

I don't think that significantly decreases the chance of them becoming single mums, but I do think it decreases the chance of it happening without their full and willing consent

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This thread went down hill pretty quick or at least off-track and I despise Rush L!!!!!!

I have worked since I was 14 and made my way the whole time!!
miketheengineer said:
Not saying it is a bad idea - but having the government pay makes me wonder - WHO PAYS THE GOVT?? YOU AND I DO!!

Sure. And if (you and I) decide that (you and I) value paid maternity leave enough to grant it for all women, then (you and I) should pay for it with (your and my) taxes, not force someone else (the employer) to pay for it. That's how responsible government works. It pays for what it decides it wants, instead of drawing up fanciful unfunded mandates that it then requires other people to pay.

Hydrology, Drainage Analysis, Flood Studies, and Complex Stormwater Litigation for Atlanta and the South East -
beej67 if you and Mike decide that you value paid maternity leave enough to grant it to all women, you and Mike should pay for it out of your own pocket and not force someone else (the taxpayers) to pay for it. That's how responsible citizenship works.

"On the human scale, the laws of Newtonian Physics are non-negotiable"
No, it's really not. I value not having my city burn down, but that does not mean I pay firemen directly. Nor does it mean that I can get my fire protection for free by forcing a company to pay for it. I value roads without potholes, but that does not mean that I must fill each pothole myself.

Sharing the cost of things a society values is the primary function of government. If we do not want to pay the taxes necessary to pay for maternity leave, then we should simply vote to get rid of paid maternity leave entirely.

I find this particularly funny coming from an aerospace engineer. If you value F-22 fighter jets, you should just go out and buy one yourself, eh? Fly it around and defend our borders from the impending Chinese invasion like a "responsible citizen," eh?

Hydrology, Drainage Analysis, Flood Studies, and Complex Stormwater Litigation for Atlanta and the South East -
You're comparing apples to oranges. Fire protection, roads, defense, etc. are goods and services the government purchases for the use of it's citizens. Maternity leave pay, welfare, subsidies, etc. are direct transfers of wealth from one citizen to another.

"On the human scale, the laws of Newtonian Physics are non-negotiable"
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