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You Know You're Old/Young If ... 1

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Nov 25, 2005
I have been reading various comments in the fora which seems to date the poster as "old" or "young" sometimes.

I though maybe there is sufficient interest to compile a list to help the old identify with the young, and the young to identify with the old.

If you are in between, I guess pick a side?

"Do not worry about your problems with mathematics, I assure you mine are far greater."
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You know you're really young when you can chat with a friend on the phone, read a book, watch TV, listen to music and chat with 2 friends online...all at the same time....I can only manage two or three of these simultaneously...guess I'm getting old ;)
Or the venerable RLO1 and RL02 hard drives?
Or that disk "platters" used to be big than a large pizza pan?
Or the ASR33 terminal and punchtape?
Or a Nixie tube?


Hey Mad Mango...for the last 20+ years (we know where that puts me), I've been using my middle finger for "opinion signalization", which has kept it routinely occupied.
That is young! [rofl]

"Do not worry about your problems with mathematics, I assure you mine are far greater."
Albert Einstein
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You know you're old when you remember thinking a 50mb Zip Drive was the next best thing to sliced bread (and that wasn't long ago).

You know you're young if you type faster with your thumbs than all 10 fingers.

[green]"Art without engineering is dreaming; Engineering without art is calculating."[/green]
Steven K. Roberts, Technomad
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Years ago I received a 486-DX, 66Mhz machine for my B-day, which made me the coolest geek in 11th grade. 4 Megs of RAM and it even had a modem. People were starting to talk about the "world wide web". Windows software was on 5.25 floppies. I'm still young....I think....

Punch cards; programming is supposed to be done using punch cards, and hope you get the run back in less than 24 hours. These whipper-snappers don't know how good they have it.
I've seen punch cards - one of my professors used them in class to demonstrate the added strength of intersections. He bent one into thirds and set it on edge on the desk (Z shape in plan). He proceeded to very carefully put a stack of books on it and it held. He then took another one and folded it in half and set it on edge (V shape in plan). He then put the same stack of books on it and it collapsed. He had two comments: it took him a long time to find the right combination of books to fail one and not the other, and he was proud to actually find a use for all of his old computer punch cards!

The first computer I ever played with was a Tandy TRS-80 with the smooth-top keyboard at the age of 9. I thought it was the most amazing thing. I programmed a minesweeper game on it.

I've never used a slide-rule, though...
Ah, the good times we had with Nastran, Fortran, and all those other "state of the art" programs.

I fall in the middle area. I saw the rock bands in their heyday and on their reunion tours. And then when they toured the local bars on their last legs.
You know you're old if you remember when - - -

The first step of troubleshooting electronic equipment was to check to see if all filaments were lit.

The second step was to see if any of the plates were glowing red.

You had to turn off "Caps Lock" when typing numbers on your "keyboard".

You had a "dial" on your phone.

Let's see. I can remember:

Uploading FEA models on a 300 baud acoustic coupler to the time sharing bureau in Birmingham, who sent them over to the data centre in the USA for processing.

Backing up the FEA model onto paper tape.

Writing our own pre and post processors.

Having to calibrate FEA models against Bruhn.

Recording noise and vibration inside a sportscar on a 24 track tape recorder that weighed 25 kg, balanced on my knees.

My boss buying me a 286 with a VGA card to run MathCad v1.0

Driving back from Melbourne at 200 kph on the back roads

and these days...telling graduates to go and draw a free body diagram.

Yup, I must be turning into an old fogey.


Greg Locock

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You know you are old when you remember life before airplanes even existed.

You know you are young when people mistake you for an intern. My response is that when I am 90 hopefully people will think I am 75.
you know you are old when you tell someone to 'just freehand sketch it' and they look at you like they have no idea what you are talking about.

"If you are going to walk on thin ice, you might as well dance!"
'Freehand sketch' is that a UGS product?[bigsmile]

I'm having trouble with this thread, so far I fall in the old category by more definitions than in the young but I'm only 28. Is it just because I used to work at a fairly old fashioned company, and even now with a lot of more senior colleagues or am I old before my time?

How about, you're old if you can remember when signed hard copy was the master.
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