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You Know You're Old/Young If ... 1

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Nov 25, 2005
I have been reading various comments in the fora which seems to date the poster as "old" or "young" sometimes.

I though maybe there is sufficient interest to compile a list to help the old identify with the young, and the young to identify with the old.

If you are in between, I guess pick a side?

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You're old if your high school allowed off-campus lunches and was considered an "open" campus (sans fences and metal detectors).

[green]"Art without engineering is dreaming; Engineering without art is calculating."[/green]
Steven K. Roberts, Technomad
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I didn't even know they had protective flooring under playground monkey bars, we always had dirt, if you fall you get a mouthful of grass hehehe, it sucked when it happened to you but it sure was funny when it happened to someone else hehehe.

Here's another one:
You're old if you've actually been in a school yard fight which didn't involve weapons of any sort.

Come to think of it the fights were very well set up considering whom set them up, they were always far from the school buildings and any trees or equipment and always on grass, ie. by the time a teacher got there, it was over; and the only pain would come from your opponent.

I remember my first (and only) fight, I won, yay me, my opponent and I became great friends after that.
I'm gonna sound like someone from a Dudley Moore Sketch but,

In my day grass/dirt was considered protective flooring. Certainly compared to the alternative of concrete or more usually asphalt.

These days the little brats get bark & rubber matting.

You're old if you start quoting Dudley Moore...

[peace] Sorry, I couldn't resist the urge.

[green]"Art without engineering is dreaming; Engineering without art is calculating."[/green]
Steven K. Roberts, Technomad
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You know you are old:

if you know what a Foxboro 40 is and can change the chart and tune the constants

if you were around when that little ol' band from Texas (Z Z Top) became popular

if you ever pumped gas at $0.25/gallon

if you paid $100 for your first car and it started and ran fine for many years

if there was no FM on the radio dial

if records only played mono

if you had the pleasure to meet Dr. Warren L. McCabe in person while at university

Good luck,
Ok, I got another one that I see all the time...you know you're old if you use the eyesight on a digital camera instead of the relatively enormous 3" screen on the back....

and then you still need someone to explain to you how to use it....

The whiteout/black ink tapes were a much more recent invention.

The whiteout strips that you had to insert manually is more old school.


"Do not worry about your problems with mathematics, I assure you mine are far greater."
Albert Einstein
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With the little plastic holder for the whiteout strips (or maybe a big long roll of whiteout strip) that stuck to the side of the typewriter with double-sided foam tape...


Eng-Tips policies: faq731-376
OK, so maybe I'm not old by the white out strip test.

That said I just thought of a good one.

You're old if you witnessed one of the Zeppelin Raids on the UK during WWI.

I just thought of this because one radio show in the UK used to have the zeppelin club for such people.
Mmmm...the smell of freshly minted dittos. Only the suck-ups (teacher's pets) got to hand them out. Then you'd read it and realize it was another pop quiz. One of those whoosh-bang moments.
KENAT said:
FrenchCAD, you're dating yourself. Pokemon is so early 2000s! (unless France only just got them).

no I'm not. I'm older that that, I grew up with first PCs and Nintendo NES (Famicom in U.S. I believe). But I have a sister 10 years younger than me who grew up with Pokemon and knew all of them by heart...well, you could tell me if was not better to know all Alex Kid and Super Mario Bros levels but I do believe it was better to know that rather than Pokemon things...

Cyril Guichard
Mechanical Engineer Consultant
You know your old (or have an antique auto hobby) if you have ever had to change points and condenser on a car, and while you were there adjusted timing and carburator settings. My Dad once got the distributor rotor in backwards on our 63 Buick. I jumped in the front seat and started it up while he was leaning over the engine. A nice flame shot out the carb, which burnt a strip out of the middle of his buzz cut hair. I think he may have been the first person in history to try a reverse mohawk hair cut....
I loved that car, sure wish I had kept it....

-The future's so bright I gotta wear shades!
Alex Kid was a great game, I remember that a whole group of us spent a whole two weeks working on that one.
Then someone got Contra and we lived in their home for two weeks :)
I loved the ditto sheets! It was a requirement to get a buzz off of them before beginning the quiz. The fresher the ditto, the better....the..... What was the question again?
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