The system used was a 320x240 Fluke Ti55, a longwave sensing system.
If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me.
John Snell
Snell Infrared
In a photovoltaic installation efficiency is a function, in part, of temperature; cooler panels run more efficiently. Infrared can be used to understand overall thermal patterns, including shading. Also, as individual cells fail, they can begin to heat rather than collect, and can be seen. In...
Thank you. We can only keep showing up professionally and hope others see the difference! Unfortunately I will NOT be at the NETA conference this year. I'll miss it and have already put 2010 on my calendar. (Our courses are now approved for NETA CEUs by the way.)
DASKAT, I'll send you some...
Certification can be confusing in the world of infrared! I'm more interested in QUALIFICATION. I believe that is based on appropriate training, qualifying experience and demonstration of performance (testing). The American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) and the International Standards...
LWIR is, as you have discovered, much more interesting! Your best bet may be to look for a used IR camera. There are some amazing NEW systems, however, in the $4500-7500USD range. In Germany you will have many excellent choices.
If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me...
These minor variations in humidity at these distances should not have much of an impact on the measurement. Typically the methodology you are using, taking a temperature of paper, is a good one.
I would suggest you are probably within the limits of accuracy and repeatability for the instrument...
Please be aware that emissivity tables are often inaccurate, due especially to variations in waveband, material temperature and an inexact description of surface condition (what does "oxidized" really mean?!). All to often the source of the data is also not adequately referenced. Do a web search...
There are no hard and fast guidelines. The best thing to do is compare this plug to another plug. I would also suggest you check it under full load and re-check it several times to see if there are any changes. Heat from the roof can certainly affect the temperatures as can lights or HVAC.
"Who ever says a Fluke is a great camera has never owned a Flir Camera." I've used both brands extensively. While I can appreciate you may have preferences, I would also strongly suggest that both brands have pluses and minuses. In my experience both are quality instruments that can get the job...
It too am a long time Mac user. I used to run "Virtual PC" and it was SLOW. I now run a PowerBook with the dual processor and the PC software programs of the major camera suppliers all seem to run fine when I am in the "parallels" side of the computer. I have not tried the USB connections to all...
The Ti20 is a great camera for many electrical and mechanical applications. The app notes on the Fluke website will get you started but I would strongly recommend you get training and work carefully to get qualifying experience. Of course, I AM biased as we do the training for Fluke! Regardless...
Yes, this is a great little product (! It will be fascinating to see results as it is installed. Numerous other online devices are also coming rapidly. While I don't anticipate this taking the place of IR inspections, with or without...
Standard glass does NOT work for most of the long-wave (8-15 microns) sensing cameras used today.
There is a great deal of conflicting information about window installation. I would urge you to discuss internally as you move forward. I would suggest that both of these products are being used...
I'd be very interested in hearing about the first-hand experiences of anyone who has installed and is using infrared windows or viewports, especially with regard to (1) the installation process, (2) issues with placement, (3) cost justification, (4) results of IR inspections, (5) safety issues...
As I've said elsewhere on this messageboard, I suggest we make a distinction between "detection" and "analysis."
Given that,160x120 systems can provide excellent detection (assuming conditions are right) and some, perhaps limited analysis with a standard lens; when it is possible to move...