I have a question on the engineering fee/cost for design of a residential post tensioned slab on ground. And, the question is, how much is a reasonable price? I am a transportation person and need to have someone to do the work for me. No experience and no time to do it myself.
I understand...
I have put together an EXCEL VBA macro that creates a small SAP2000 V17 model. When I save the model and attempt to run SAP I get an error that reads "ERROR DIVIDING LINE ELEMENTS", and the only way I can close SAP at this point is to "END TASK" through the task manager window. the file then...
In the output, where it gives “Total Girderline Reaction” on the pier or abutment, is the Distribution Factor already applied or should it be applied by the user????
The wording is confusing me where it says reaction is “per Lane”
when LLDF is applied the value should really be "Lanes per...
I'll appreciate any help to clarify how the pile PL/AE is incorporated into the top-down curve constructed from O-Cell data.
how do you choose "L" at various loadings? is it where the given load mobilizes along the shaft?
many thanks
I have an excel sheet that I use quite a lot. When I open it on my laptop all the Vertical page brakes are where I want them to be. the "Print Preview" displays all the colors and lines..etc.
However, when I open the very same file on my home desktop the page size is larger than the breakes and...
I am trying to translate a long hand matrix analysis for a small portal frame , 2 columns , one beam across, into an excel/VBA. how could I model/include compression only spring for one of the column bases. that is if there is an upward load the spring wont be effective.
when i disconnect the laptop from the external monitor it works fine.
with the external monitor attached as soon as i reach 1 in 0178 (with alt key pressed) it only identifies the #1 monitor
windows 7 (I should have mentioned that)
I am trying to use windows "Character Map"
Start>>Accessaries>>system tools>>character Map
i should be able to insert any character by using ALT+"Numeric code" in any windows based application. and i do it at home on W7 but somehow not on my work pc
I am working with a new computer with 2 monitors.
normally make use of the "ALT" key plus charcter codes to to superscribe the digit 2 to show a power of two, Alt+0178 will result in power of 2.
on this new machine this does not work, how can i change what the "ALT" keys do???
Many thanks
with your original file open, open a new excel file.
in the new file go to tool--macros and click run macros. your original macro in the OPEN ORIGINAL FILE will show up. run it and save your new file with what ever name you want. close your original file
Buy the ACI Code. AASHTO's concrete section is adopted almost exactly from ACI. You might have noticed a footnote on the first page of section 8 of the Standard Specs that reffers you to ACI for what may be missing like Torsion or deep beam design. LRFD spaecs, section 5, are more...
I have to detail an opening in an existing tiltup (two story building).
As yet, the locations are not known but i think they will be about 10 feet wide.
I have thought of two senarios,
1-the opening falls within the width of the panel,
2- the opening falls at the joint between two adjacent...
Variables speak for themselves.
spacing is along a row of piles
LL is the distance from the origin of the pile row to the row in the other direction.
this code works.
I am trying to add a step where when the code is filling in the cells with pile coordinates it will skip 2 lines when it gets...
Thanks yogia,
I tried it. It gives me a message that "Subscript Out Of Range".
I am trying to use it in a loop so when the code reaches a page break on the sheet it will skip the following 2 (or n) rows and go back to doing what it, hopefully, is supposed to.
Thanks again, I'll keep at it.
How can I locate where the horizontal page break is using a VBA code.
In other word, I am trying to find where
ActiviSheet.HPageBreaks(2).Location is.
When you set up the page break the syntax is
ActiviSheet.HPageBreaks(2).Location = Range(Col, Row)
Col is always "A"
I want my macro to...