I predominantly used ansys help for this.
I also used some other books but they are in Russian, and I am not sure whether they will be of any help to you.
In workbench creating contact pair should be even easier then in APDL, since you will just graphically pick the faces you are interested in.
DP model I suppose it does not. To conduct something like this you will probably have to combine other models, you probably should check furs on model, but I have my doubts on it.
I suppose that you can do it in workbench, but you will still need to use command snippets to include more complex...
You should probably look into extended drucker prager material model for soil behaiviour. Interaction can be probably realised by frictional contact. The boundary conditions on the soil will depend on the analysis you want to perform, generally you just want to constrain the expansion or limit...
What kind of rotation do you mean?
Do you want to rotate the FE model or do you want to apply rotation as an external boundary condition.
If you want BC.
You could probably try calculating new node coordinates and then apply them as new BC, (but it depends on the element type (impossible for...
you should tru *mwrite command.
*MWRITE, evalX, C:\User\Documents\Eigenmodes\evalx\outputdateiXmode1a, txt, , JIK, 12,
or you will have to add
*VWRITE,evalX(1,1),evalX(1,2), evalX(1,3),evalX(1,4),evalX(1,5), evalX(1,6),evalX(1,7),evalX(1,8), evalX(1,9),evalX(1,10),evalX(1,11)...
See chapter 3.14.1
You can use these commands even if they were removed from a newer versions of manual.
Create spherical locaL coordinate system, located at the node around which you desire to find other nodes. select new nodes based on the radius.
Nsel, s, loc,...
You can try *dmat, stif_tenz, d, import, ... Check rest in the help, look for emat file you have to have the element stiffness tensor you want to be the one selected.
Read this for practical application example.
...but not only I cannot export this matrix, but also none of the matrices produced by operating on the original one.
Here is some code example:
*DMAT, test1, d, ALLOC, 10, 10, inCORE
*DMAT, test1_1, d, ALLOC, 10, 10, outofCORE
test1(i, i)=1
test1_1(i, i)=test1(i, i)
yes you are right. I forgot alls command before the *enddo statement.
Probably not but it depends on many factors that are present in your model.
Numbers are very unreliable in general, since if you would like to use your code in a different model you can not be sure that the numbering goes...
...an array
With line numbers in first column and section numbers in second row.
Then just use array(parameters as an input for commands inside a *do loop.
Are you sure that lsnext selects line also since in the help it is only stated that it returns the next highest number in the selected...
Probably something is wrong elsewhere, with constraint or load application thus there can be problems. But you should be more specific with your problem and the model you are solving.
...be derived on the basis of simplified fiber-beam models.
I suppose you can do it with VEXT command, for more complex results you will probably need *do cycles.
It really depends on what cone you want to do
Simple ones are easily done with command CONE
More complex one you can build by...
As I said your task is to complex for your license type. Try decomposing it into several, each part of your assembly - different task.
Also consider simplifying geometry and mesh of pistons and belt they are too dense for static analysis. But I suppose that the best results can be achieved if...
Your ansys is educational. Thus there is a limit on how many elements/nodes you can use in one solution. So the problem with your task is that either your mesh is too dense or the task is to complicated to be solved with the limited version.
Or your approach to the modeling is incorrect.