I'd be tempted to keep the tees normal to the shear wall as best as possible to avoid the torsional stresses on the double tees (adjacent stems will have different deflections). For the triangular areas, frame with an L beam and flat slab wedge pieces.
If this is for a specific project, you will be making a mistake if you don't reach out to the nearest precast plant for that location. They should be able to lead you in the right direction for bed sizes and recommended details - they should also have an idea for what size can be shipped to...
Keep the outside edges level because architects. High point to drain should be 3/16 inch per foot, minimum. Don't think about it as triangles but as a twisted quads - no valleys except over beams. Precasters get concerned but forms shouldn't care. Will want about 3 to 4 ft of wash area to...
First, very interesting - well worth the read
Here are some skeptical thoughts:
- Is Roman concrete superior because of the mix design or we assume that because only the best of their concrete is what survives? (cherry picking)
- Many can overdesign a wall, arch, pyramid. It takes an...
Considering the "severed" cable end, I'd point my finger squarely at the restoration process as the failure point.
If I ever see an engineer put a note "client shall not vibrate structure" on their drawings, I will push for their removal from a project.
Have a look at the existing beam for camber. Elements that are stiff against bending (the vertical web plates) will not be able to match the existing camber in the field without some trouble.
ASCE 7-22 is adding tornado considerations. IBC 2015 (18?) requires new schools and additions have tornado shelter included. Don't do work in tornado ally so not aware of standard practice, but I don't see the building code requiring shelters. A bit surprised by that. Any locals know what...
AISI S100 (and welding is D1.3 - don't be a noob)
A5 for LRFD ( Mall * 1.67 * 0.9 ) is appropriate
E = 29,500 ksi typically for strut.
B1.1 regarding stiffened elements (all elements are stiffened for compression), effective width, b = width
Don't forget to reduce capacity based on braced...
What happens if your slender columns are installed significantly out of plumb or the foundations apply some moment to the columns when they settle a little bit? I believe that some of the rationale for limiting KL/r to less than 200 is to allow for normal construction tolerances that aren't...
Greater than 1.0 [bigsmile]
I've used 1.5 for overturning and 2.0 for sliding with bearing being whatever safety factor the geotech has already baked in.
Has anyone observed rusted through rebar from the plaza slab demolition? For all the talk about deterioration, I haven't seen much spalling and rusting from the top layer of rebar.
As for the deterioration caused trigger theory, my thinking is that the slow failure of the stepped slab added...
Here's my "planter slab gave way" hypothesis. It's buried on the last thread, but here's a copy -
To those who have lost love ones and somehow find your way here -
May the Lord bless you and keep you
May the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious
May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you Peace.
Regarding the webcam video - some questions:
1. If the camera is accelerating down with gravity, how fast will other particles fall in comparison?
2. What is that powder and why is it detaching from it's substrate?
3. The upper floor is shearing to the right and the lower floor is shearing to...
Probably do you good to do an epoxy anchor hand calc just to gain confidence. True the anchors require a development length to engage with the concrete but so does rebar. As for quality assurance, especially for critical structures, have them proof tested. Usually the anchor guys will have a...