Thanks greenimi. Based on my modest knowledge, bothe UZ and CZ are ISO STANDARDS. “CZ” stands for common zone. Indication that multiple features in separated positions are deemed as a single tolerance zone.
The “UZ” modifier is used when you need to define a profile tolerance zone that is...
Let’s focus on line profile #10 (#20 should be same): because of the two tolerances in the callout, one under UZ and one under CZ, does this means the line profile#10 needs to be evaluated and reported twice: one under UZ tolerance and one under CZ tolerance? Or only once for both...
Hello everyone,
Would someone help please with the two highlighted line profiles on the attached drawing. (1) Is this intended to be one result and two tolerances or two results--one for each tolerance. (2) Provided that A-B datum is 3Dline between the two mounting holes (one on the other side)...
Chez311 yes—thanks a lot for your feedback. I was looking for something like that online but could’t find one. Also reworked the previous one I posted to clarify a bit. And by the way this is one whole single block (not assembly). So are these TP legal? What’s the intent here? What feature is...
Yes there is actually a line profile imposed on the front face (bottom 180 perimeter) of the cylinder--I left out in previous sketch. And also to clarify some confusion: Think of this whole V-Block and cylinder as a one whole single piece with the cylinder being an internal feature, meaning...
Hello Mr. Belanger. Unfortunately in my V-block illustration the actual drawing matches what you see—the 14.5 is shown as a basic. How about the self referencing in the FRF of datum A?and how about the second TP callout? BTW this is using ISO standard.
Yes we use ISO standards. We get drawing with flat surfaces being located by TP a lot. However in this particular case TP assigned to a distance between Datum D (45 deg face) and datum A (center cylinder) with self referencing of datum A! I find it odd and confusing. I am not sure what's the...
Guys, My sincere apologies for any confusion about my post. All of you has a point but it obviously seems like I was not too clear. Let me restate this once again:
On 7 Feb 20 13:49, anbumanoger in his post(original post here), the TP associated with the width of the slot, I have a problem...
Think of the part in the sketch as a V-block shape gage, metrology and QA departments use for different measuring purposes. The only difference though: instead of the two faces of the “V” meet at an intersection line, this latter intersection feature is a small internal cylinder. Everything is...
Burunduk, Thank you for your response. The drawing actually is not actual, instead is a hand sketched one just for illustration purpose. I agree it's not one of a standard one but just to illustrate as I said. It's a front view of a 0.5 degree plane that transitions into a 45 degree plane in...
Hello everyone. This is more of a question actually. By looking at the highlighted True Position on anbumanoger's drawing, how do you program that on the CMM. As far as I know True positions apply to only features of size and the CMM will expect you to plug that into the first field of the True...
Hello everyone. As far as I know, True Position can only be applied to a feature of size such as circles, cylinders, planes...etc. However I lately came across a drawing with TP's are pointing to a non-feature elements to be controlled. Please take a look at the sketch attached and let me know...