Usually you search 'FATAL' in the f06 file, and the first finding will give you the hint about your problem.
In your case, it is
MAT1 with MID=2 near line 120381
User information: E:3.40282+38 is an illegal real value.'
Go check the E (Young's modulus)...
Patran needs you to tell which version of Nastran you want to use. It has a default one (for example Nastran 2012). And you probably are using another one (for example Nastran 2013). You can use 'Translation Parameters' in the Analysis form to check what is the default one Patran is using. And...
1. usually contact body with finer mesh and softer material should be the slave.
2. from you description, the contact between the 2 bodies is touching contact.
3. These options determines the mater/slave. If you are not sure, you should use Automatic.
4. You should read Nastran Quick Reference...
You should use 3D option.
You don't need to select Contact Area.
You should define 2 contact bodies, and select 1 solid for 1 contact body.
After you define 2 contact bodies, in the subcase definition, you can define contact table. And you should deactivate self contact (contact between 1 and...
I don't use Sol 600. I usually just use Marc. So I don't know the answer. But you can probably try other types of forces, if they are available in the results.
Check the damage plot in your structure to determine the first ply failure load. Check this video starting from 9 minutes:
For ultimate failure load, if you have the load-deflection curve, why can't you find that from the curve?