In Femap Custom Tools/Meshing/Hole to Hole fastener there is an API that allows you to select the top hole and bottom hole, then auto creates the spiders and the beam and property for the fastener. It might be a good start in automating your task, the source code is in the API directory for you...
The difference is beam theory assumption. The hand equation that you show is for the bending deflection only, that assume there is no shear deflection in the beam. The Nastran default when a PBEAML is used, is to include shear flexibility. If you add shear flexibility term to your equation it...
This a documented error with NXN 10.1 which is used by Femap 11.2, it was corrected in NXN 10.2 and later releases.
Femap 11.2.1 and later releases have the updated(10.2) solver and should work fine.
The choice of RBE2 or RBE3 is important and should be based on desired behavior. RBE2 enforces "no relative motion" between the included nodes and therefore can actually make a section stiffer. The RBE3 enforces a "weighted average motion" and does not change the local stiffness of the included...
You can set this using F6 for View Options; see the image below:
There is a shortcut to this setting in the View Simple toolbar if you have it turned on:
This is something that can be done in Femap via API; see the code below, paste it into your Femap API programming window and try it.
Sub Main
Dim App As femap.model
Set App = GetObject(,"femap.model")
Dim sol As femap.Solid
Set sol = App.feSolid
Dim solset As femap.Set
Use of a load-displacement curve requires a nonlinear(iterative solution) analysis, so you will need a nonlinear license, and will have to use the nonlinear analysis type in the Femap analysis manager.
If you submit a linear analysis, then the nominal stiffness value on the CBUSH entry is used...
In general, DOF springs should not be used unless the nodes are coincident, bad things can happen. If your nodes are not coincident, and actually even they are, I would suggest using Spring/Damper element. If you want enter a force/displacement curve, then click on the "nonlinear/freq response"...
Try the following options:
1) if you did not delete the original geom after slicing it; then use Modify/Associativity and select the reflected mesh to associate to the "unmeshed half" of your original geometry, now apply LBC's to the geometry.
2) if you deleted the "unmeshed half of geometry" ...
We may need to clarify some terminology, this is the Femap Forum. Are you running Femap? what version? If you are running NX then try their forum.
If you want to use the ILP executable with env variables then the file is :
To use the ILP solver from Femap, go to File/Preferences/ and select the "interface tab";
now check the box labeled "use ILP 64bit NX Nastran"
The ILP solver will be used for jobs submitted while this preference is set. No other changes required.
You can find information on using external superelements from Femap in the following link:
See the picture below from the QRG, the elem cord system is the basic system, so all elements should have the same rotation angle.You are rotating from the basic x axis.
The issue with supporting plane strain elements correctly with orthotropic material(MAT3)is being addressed in the next release(11.3)
We are also aware of the material angle issue. Under Modify/Update Elements/Material angle then you should see the form below where you can pick a fixed angle...
The issue with supporting plane strain elements correctly with orthotropic material(MAT3)is being addressed in the next release(11.3)
We are also aware of the material angle issue. Under Modify/Update Elements/Material angle then you should see the form below where you can pick a fixed angle...
What version of Femap? Did you do a new install, or attempt to just copy the files from another machine? Posting the f06 file might provide some more clues also.