Be careful of the year of the ASTM Specification as Ed said. To use ASTM material, it must be acceptable to ASME. See ASME Section IIA Mandatory Appendix II for what years are acceptable. For example, if you purchase ASTM material that is newly wrought it may be certified to the 2019 or 2020...
I am not a chemist so I ask for your help. We have a customer asking for transport vessels to haul Monomethylamine 50% aqueous solution. Is it corrosive to steel (ASME/ASTM SA-517)? Is SA-240-304 or 316 a better or necessary option?
I have used a lot of SA-455 making heads as well as SA-414G which is a similar sheet spec. I doubt you will find SA-455 at a steel warehouse. Most likely a mill buy.
Being P11 material I assume this is QT material. If you hot form you will need to re-quench and temper the formed parts. Heating formed parts to the austenizing temperature will likely result in distortion.
If this is a hemispherical head the FE=5.6%. If it is any other shaped head it is greater. Stress relieving is required for the fiber elongation per UG-79, UHT-79. PWHT is required per UHT-56.
There are very few head manufacturers that can make a head this size, this thick from a welded blank. Those that can will most likely need to do it hot (heating above the lower critical and tempering temperature). Welding and forming the round center section can be done as if forming any SE...
See the DOT requirements. 49 CFR 178.318 etc.
One caveat, The general specifications covering the materials may have additional limitations. For example SA-20 for CS materials and SA-480 for SS materials.
SA-516-70 heads are routinely formed hot and cold. Hot formed heads require testing the mechanical properties on the same heat/slab coupons to verify the material meets specification.
How was the original head formed?
What temperature did you heat it to, to modify the diameter?
If you...
What about normalized A105? Which curve does it belong on? See attached.