This is sort of directly related to the sim05, sim07 posts that are in the Siemens library.
I am using the sim05 fanuc post to output G43.4 and G68.2 for plane rotation. NX9 sim05 post now works to where it will look at the operation and the plane your on and automatically output G68.2 with...
Thanks for the info! This part seems to be pretty outdated. Probably useful information as well but I'm looking for a high speed machining test part. Maxing the machine out at 33000rpm and over 1000ipm. Might go ahead and program and test this part as well for more G68.2 moves but really need...
Anyone heard of a Standard machine manufacturers use for testing their machines when they arrive? We are acquiring two Makino Mag 1 machines and need a test block to check the accuracy of the machine. I have the post done and will be programming the parts but until we test the machine and...
I am fixturing a part to bore the holes and bushings with a boring head. I am wanting to make it so it will 1)bore the hole 2)dwell and stop the spindle at the bottom of the hole 3) orient spindle 4)move Y .015 5) then retract out of the hole. I have looked in the places I was hoping to find...
We are wanting to mirror the print so that both prints (shown and opposite) are exactly the same. This would be cumbersome to do when you get prints with hundreds of dimensions and bubbles for the FAI. What i said above in the first paragraph wasn't exactly correct. We have models of the...
I am trying to find out a way to create an opposite print from a shown print. We have had alot of mistakes made lately from people not being able to interoperate an opposite part from a shown print. We have way too many part numbers to mirror models and make a print from scratch especially the...
Just trying to get some clarity on this situation.
Post builder B axis for this machine is set to 0-min and 360-max. Now when i post out the program it seems to work correctly everywhere except on one of the last moves where it goes from 270deg to 365deg (which should be 5deg) I can only...
Here are the two ways i have tried it because im not sure of any other way to put the logic together.
This way it just doesnt output an M code.
global mom_tool_coolant_through
if [info exists mom_tool_coolant_through] {
set mom_tool_coolant_through "M88"
This way it outputs an M...
Ok Nevermind... So i thought i had figured it out but it is just outputting the M code whether the through coolant is on or off.
This seems like it shouldnt be that difficult... I just cant wrap my arms around it.
Oh ok. Does this look some what like the right command? I tried it just without the $ and still cant get it to produce the M code. Im sure i haven't written it right.
Ya Thats what i have so far. I kind of threw this together but not really sure how to make sense of it to get it to work. Im not sure the logic to put into it or the order etc to use or not to use.
global mom_tool_coolant_through
if [info exists $mom_tool_coolant_through] {
If you right click on a tool and go to object then custumize and go to customizable items in the drop down. Then you can add coolant through to your tool parameters as a check box. I am trying to add a custom cammand that looks at this box and if it is checked then add through coolant. If not...
Here is some of the custom command that i am using now to bring in the expessions. Now i need to add an if exist statement and an else statement so that if it doesnt exist it will leave the areas blank. So if expressions dont exist it wont add a part number, revision or smi.
Yes that is for the most part what I need.
We have expressions that look at one file and populates the other files that are looking at that file. We just started this new proceedure to make things easier.
Some of the parts we have done that took weeks to program won't be redone using...
Ya thats were i ended up posting it. I wasnt saying NX is used more in aerospace than any other CAD/CAM software out there. I was more so going along the lines of NX is mainly used in aerospace and not tool and die or so much automotive etc. I know many aerospace companies such as Boeing...
I am trying to build a certain header in NX post builder and am kind of stuck on a certain part.
Recently started using expressions to create a master model so everything is looking at one model instead of changing a bunch of different things or repointing when there is a rev change etc..