We've obtained another drawing from one of our other offices for a ZN part with an OD of 80 mm and will be trying to grind one of these soon although we need to order some material and make some test parts first, which will be done over the next 2-3 weeks.
Hello everyone,
I have been off last Thursday and Friday as I work on a revised shift pattern due to the pandemic, so I will need to go through the posts I have missed.
Thank you all for your contributions, they are much appreciated.
The good news is that we think we're almost there now - the...
Just to add some clarification, our application works with ZI, ZA, ZN and ZK worms - their profiles are transformed to the axial plane before we create the wheel profile, dresser disc profile and dressing program, so the ZN worm's wheel profile is not being calculated on the normal profile. (The...
mfgenggear: I work for the manufacturer of the grinding machine, and it's based on the Siemens 840Dsl CNC as we're a Siemens OEM.
The software runs on a Windows PC - Siemens use one of these to operate the machine's control panel, the only other part is a 2nd application that fits in with the...
We're trying to grind a ZN worm which should have straight flanks in the normal plane but there are still some curves/deviations on the profile.
I can upload a screenshot of the measurement results to the thread if that will help (unfortunately, the printer connected to our measuring machine is...
Hi spigor - I forgot to answer your question about using CAD simulation or generating the profile mathematically: what we're doing is trying to generate the profile mathematically.
Also, on further reading, it seems that the ZN worm should have slightly convex flanks on the axial profile, but...
mfgenggear: we did receive a ZN part from the customer along with its associated drawing, but it's a wider part. The data I've been using is for the part they were trying to grind when they first reported the issue to us (and this is before I joined the company).
Yes, we do have a gear checking...
Added this post to include the axial profile (ZN_SingleLead_AxialPoints.Dat) file, which has the same format as the "ZN_SingleLead_NormalPoints.Dat" file in the post above.
As described in my other thread ZK worm parameters, I am working with an existing software application that generates dressing programs for different types of threads and worms and I am currently working on fixing a reported issue with ZN type worms in the application.
So far, I have...
spigor - no problem, I do have an intermediate stage profile I could post up that is just the flanks if that would be any use?
I'll download the files you and mfgenggear created and posted as soon as I can - I'm juggling 2 projects at the moment so finding time for both as I can :)
mfgenggear - thank you for creating that for me, I'll download that when I'm back at home as I can't get the download links to work from the office.
spigor - I'm having some issues with the code that creates the axial worm profile from the cutter/tool profile as it's making the worm tooth depth...
The wire diameter is given as "Best Pin DM 5.0 diameter" on the drawing, but it could still be wrong and could be 3.85 as was suggested earlier.
The lead that mfgenggear calculated in inches works out as around 15.3270 mm to 4 decimal places, which is what I calculated myself.
Hi spigor,
Going back to your question about the MOW, it's definitely 23.683 mm from the drawing (I just realised I'd entered as 23.0000 in our application, so I've changed that, but it's still giving me some errors that I need to look into).
I'd have to ask if we'd be able to get a sample...
Hi mfgenggear and spigor,
Thank you so much for running those parameters through for me: I'm off work today and tomorrow due to the flexible furlough scheme my employer's using, so I've just logged on quickly.
This drawing was submitted to us by a customer making an enquiry (I think as part of...
The data I have from the drawing we were given is as follows (I only have a drawing for the worm gear itself and not the worm wheel):
Worm Type: ZK
Number of teeth (Z): 2
Normal module (mx): 2.3565
Normal pressure angle (αn: 15 degrees
Modification coefficient (x): --
Hand: left...
Hi mfgenggear,
Yes, it's definitely a ZK worm according to the drawing that we have (it was provided by a customer asking if our machines can grind ZK worms), so I'm not sure if I can share it for confidentiality reasons.
Hi mfgenggear,
The lead is 15.3270 mm for both leads (since it's a dual lead worm) and the helix angle is 14.9770 degrees.
I had a little trouble with the diametral pitch as I googled the formula and I found one on Engineers' Edge...
Hi spigor,
Sorry, that's my misunderstanding - I'm still working on the ZK profile calculation code we have as I can't get a full set of profile coordinates myself just yet.
[ol 1]
We calculate the X, Y coordinates for the worm profile on the axial plane.
The application has a "tool tip...
Hi spigor,
Thank you for getting back to me - I'm sorry I haven't been on the forum for a few days as I'm currently working on this flexible furlough rota and I'm not allowed to do any work on the days I'n off (the UK government is checking and has already taken a few people to court for...