And if you need even more Peak Power then the devices can be placed in parallel, but 2 devices are only rated at 1.4 of the total of 2 devices. At this level you need real short and massive bus bars or real short chassis path connections to keep the peak voltage down. Hope you have a good analog...
That would be a Transzorb. Two types bi-directional and uni-directional... as per the 1N5555 its a 30Vdc working and 33Vdc minBkDn and 47.5Vdc max Vclamp device. So you will want most likely a uni-directional unit.... Diodes, Inc., General Instrument, and several others (like Panasonic) now make...
Max... the ckt you are looking for needs several things... good noise reduction (common mode noise), very good DC specs, and some gain to get the signal "up there" for your A/D to work with... all these things can be found in an "instrumentation amp" or IA...
Look to...
Thx..xray Found the same ckt a few days ago... looks like at least a place to start...just have to make it work for +/- 15Vdc supplies... looks do-able at least.
I didn't find you ref to the "winner edn ideas for design" unless it was that UV meter ckt...
An old rule of thumb was 1000 uF per 1 amp....
But it really depends upon your allowed ripple voltage and ripple current... most of today's power systems will use a higher switching freq and so therefore require not just a single cap but 3 to 5 in parrallel to handle the ripple current ratings...
Two companies for you... both have web sites
CR Magnetics and Vitec (old Sprauge). CR Magnetics support doc's are pretty good on the web site.
good luck in your venture.
Two types of hystersis to condider as a fix....
1. DC (using a feedback resistor to the positive input)
2. AC + DC (using a feedback resistor in parallel with a
feedback cap with a additional resistor in series
with the cap, to the positive input)
Selecting one of the...
Well, I've helped others in the forum here... this time I need some help..
Looking for circuits to use as a starting point in designing a positive and negative (bipolar) peak detector... Using a dual opamp (TLE2072, 10Mhz BW), ckt response to 500Khz is desired. Input will be from a prior stage...
See NASA's web site for dimmable lighting ckt's. Used on the shuttle - 1000/1 ratio's and better.. Basically you need to increase the freq of the driving source as you reduce the amplitude. An IFD was in EDN or ED mag a while back... so a site search there may give you a ready to bulid ckt.
Two answers... dont know which you need.
1. DC ground is the local DC power supplies ground or common return, it is used to power the local analog and digital ckts of the device or unit in question.
AC ground is the AC powerline SAFETY GROUND or green wire.
These two points can be connected...
You don't state the ckt impedances and the answer does depend upon it.
With a med to lo input R, a bi-directional TVS (transzorb) that follows the input resistor and then goes to the ckt's common or chassis will work well.
With a hi input impedance the TVS may have too much capacitance and...
Square-D has a letter sized book about magazine thickness that covers electrical schematics for control ckts. First two pages lists all the used and typ symbols. The rest of the book are diagrams showing schematics of how to arrange them into control functions for applications.
These cover...
Xray... don't use the pot as a two teminal unit... that will create too much noise during adj... What works better is to tie the two end-points into the ckt (output of opamp, and one of the opamp inputs). Then short the wiper to the output forming a Reostat. During adj the value will never go...