Anyone have any experience filling a void in a fixture with helium to reduce the load the operator must lift when handling the fixture? Just a stupid Idea I had, anyone know for sure that it will, or will not work?
I have many projects that all share the same resource pool. I want to see how many hours Joe Blow is committed to for one of the project files. Can I open the resouce pool and look at Joe Blow's time broken down on a per-project basis? Or is there a way to open just the project file and look at...
Anyone have any more info on this?
I have a similar problem:
I would like to look at resources for a single project, but since they are tied into the Resource Pool of a big master project file, I can not figure out a way to see the breakdown for each separate project file. Does my question make...
When Fuel Oil sits stagnant for extended periods it will grow algae and bacteria. I'm no expert, but you might want to run it thru a fine filter as you dispense it to keep the large pieces out of your tank. I would not let it stand i stagnant in your tractor tank too long either, as the "Stuff"...
Anyone know a trick that will alow me to set the precision on my Hole Callouts in a drawing? For example, if I want my tap drill hole to be called out as a two place decimal for diameter and depth.
For me this is an easy descision. I would not consider the job away from the family, and I would not consider the job that is out of your "field of passion". I would much rather look foreward to going to work every day than just to look foreward to cashing my paychech once every other week.
Is there any obvious bottlenecks in your drainage system? If you can narrow the cause down to the puddling water, I would look into improving drainage. Ensure proper maintainance has been performed. If it can be verified, then you may be forced to increase the capacity of the system.
I agree, it would be a great feature if we could change the text in a sketch thru a design table. It would make engraved and embossed part families so much nicer to work with. If we all do an enhancement request, it might generate some interest at SolidWorks.
I may be missing something here, but couldn't you model it with all the numbers in the same location, and supress all but the one you want for that config? Config #1 would have numbers two thru 99 supressed, Config#2 would have numbers one, and three thru 99 supressed etc., etc., etc.
New one to me.
Is there by chance a fuel pre-heater that uses the warm engine oil?
Look at where and how the fuel filter base mounts to the engine. Any oil passages in the block close to this area?
Have you called your CAT dealer? Try to figure out a way to have a conversation with an actual...
Everyones (John Deere, Cat, Case, etc, etc) Industrial line has been Yellow since long before I can remember. O.K O.K. so Case was more of an orangish yellow.
I think Mike is correct. In fact I think they call it 'High Visibility Yellow'.
SolidWorks has a cam profile software built into it. I haven't used it a lot, but have played around with it. It sounds like it will do exactly what you want. If you have SolidWorks or know someone with it, give it a try.
I was going to suggest that it may have been Smokey Yunick too. I think I remember reading about it somewhere. If you google him you will probably find a list of his contributions somewhere. It might be a lead for you.
I'm with Mr. Holloran, Talk to some of of his other customers (Not just the ones he suggests you talk to) and see what they have to say.
A good machinist can do great things with pretty sub-par tooling. A poor machinist can screw things up with the best tooling on the market. I've seen it over...
If you are looking for detailed drawings of the Weldment components that are still linked to your multi-body weldment part, you can try inserting a view of the entire Weldment part, then hiding all the bodies you don't want in that drawing view. It is a little clumsy, but it keeps you from...
How about if you tweak GLED's idea to include mating a point in the middle of the ball to a plane that is located where you want to do your section cut (or offset from your cut). Then use physical dynamics to pack the container full of ball only in one layer.
It will still take a lot of balls...
I saw a new John Deere with quick attach frontend loader the other day, it had a block on the side of the push frame with all the hoses plumbed to it, the hoses on the loader frame had a matching block. When you remove the loader, you rolled a lever forward to unclamp the two blocks (Apparently...