Thanks for your reply Peter. So are you saying to only model the pond storage with an extraction outlet, and ignore any storage provided by the soil media and gravel bed?
I'm am modeling a bioretention planter that consists of a soil layer with a gravel storage bed beneath it (please see the attached image):
Layer 1 - soil mix, 40% voids, infiltration rate = 1.5 in/hr
Layer 2 - gravel storage bed, 33% voids
Subgrade - Native soil, infiltration rate = 3 in/hr
I have similar questions to the one asked in the thread listed below. Unfortunately there were no replies - I was wondering if anyone has experience with Woodworks and can provide some guidance on this or point me to another thread that discussed a similar topic.
I think you're right - it looks like am going to have to start making some calls. Hopefully I can track down the manufacturer and they still have the records [smile]
Thanks for the responses. The builder (who was also the previous home owner) has passed away. His son worked with him, but he does not recall anything about the trusses.
Looking for some advice on obtaining documentation for engineered trusses. I was contracted to draw up plans for a residence that was built over ten years ago. Part of the residence was constructed beyond what was originally permitted and the client needs to get things up-to-date with the...
I think it would be two culverts on the same pond. I've attached a sketch of what I want to model. Runoff from the project site outfalls to the upstream ditch, then flows through the two culverts to another...
Another question - if I have two culverts in series, what should be specified for the entrance of the second culvert? The culvert is CMP...none of the 4 options seem to apply to the case where it's connected to another culvert upstream.
Hi Peter,
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. There is no junction between the culverts. I'll try your suggestions and see how they compare.
Thanks again.
I am wondering what is the best way to model this situation:
I have a roadside ditch which discharges into a culvert. Midway along the culvert, the slope changes from 0.5% to 1.5%. The culvert then discharges to another ditch. Should I model the culvert as two separate culverts in series?
I see what you're saying about staggering helping with the splitting issue. I was using Table C11.1.5.6 in the NDS for my minimum spacings (see the attached jpeg). For the spacing between rows of fasteners, they list 2.5d for staggered fasteners and 5d for in-line fasteners. I think what I...
In each row I have the nails spaced at 4" o.c. each side, staggered so there's 2" between the nails in a row. Between the nail rows I have 1.5". The attached .jpg illustrates this - the solid o's are nails on one side, the +'s are nails on the opposite...
Update.... I'm using 8d's with the nail spacing recommendations in NDS Table C11.1.5.6. I'm spacing the nails 4" o.c. on each side, so I'll have 2" o.c. in the truss members. In order to accomodate that spacing, I'm getting gusset sizes in the neighborhood of almost 3' wide. Does that sound...
That's a good idea on the gusset. For the nailing I was going to specify 10d nails and use the Table C11.1.5.6 in the NDS as a guide for the spacing, etc.
Mike - I was also going to ask about using plywood over OSB. I'm getting my allowables from NDS Table M9.2-2. OSB is as good or better depending on the span rating/# of plys for the plywood. I've attached the table I'm looking at for reference.
On the 24x24 size - is that what you typically...
I have a question about the OSB gussets. The contractor would like to use 12"x12" gussets (see attached jpeg). I've calculated allowables for loading perpendicular and parallel to the panel strength axis. I was going to conservatively use the perpendicular allowable. My question is what I...