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  1. JaredS

    Question regarding "work time" efficiency

    I find I do about 90% of my work in 10% of my available time
  2. JaredS

    New Salmon and Johnson Book

    I didn't have to take stormwater or traffic either, but instead of getting a CE degree I have a general engineering degree with a specialty in civil engineering. I also pulled down (2) steels, (2) concretes, (3) analysis, (1) foundations, (1) timber and masonry(which really wasn't a very...
  3. JaredS

    New Salmon and Johnson Book

    Thought it was released on Monday.... was wondering why amazon hadn't sent me a message....
  4. JaredS

    New Salmon and Johnson Book

    looks like it is coming out on monday, although the price is now 50$ more....
  5. JaredS

    New Salmon and Johnson Book

    I'm hoping so, at least the date only seems to have moved a week this time... as opposed to a month
  6. JaredS

    Increasing Education Requirements

    I agree with youngstructural, the inclusion of new education requirements would have absolutely dissuaded me from pursuing an education in engineering. Initially I was very skeptical about going into engineering, I had wanted to be an architect but I didn't have the money to go out of state and...
  7. JaredS

    New Salmon and Johnson Book

    Was flipping through Amazon and found this http://www.amazon.com/Steel-Structures-Design-Behavior-5th/dp/0131885561/ref=pd_ts_b_5?ie=UTF8&s=books its available for purchase starting September 18
  8. JaredS

    meaningless greetings

    i make link http://members.whattheythink.com/dilbert/dilbert040910.cfm
  9. JaredS

    meaningless greetings

    "Uh oh, it's a gray area social situation. Do I know this guy well enough to say hi, or just look away?" "So I went with the ambiguous tight-lipped smile that could be confused with a stomach ache." "Your stories suck". - Dilbert, recounting his day to Dogbert
  10. JaredS


    It starts with a P.E., a resume filled with experience and the ability to cold call potential clients
  11. JaredS

    Is it illegal to steal clients from your current employer?

    There is no such thing as free advice, I have a suspicious feeling that an economics professor said this to me once, Whether you choose to pay for it up front or further on down the road is entirely up to you.
  12. JaredS

    Experience with business needed

    A former employer hired me out at 70$ an hour as an intern
  13. JaredS

    Experience with business needed

    yes that is just what we college age people are here for...
  14. JaredS

    Eng. practice of allowing 5% overstress

    cap4000 your statistic is far from clear. Is it that 1 in 500 to 1 in 1000 beams ultimately fail under the LRFD design regime, or is it that 1 in 500 to 1 in 1000 failed beams under the LRFD design regime fail due to typical loading conditions. I am not mistaking an incipient failure for...
  15. JaredS

    Is it illegal to steal clients from your current employer?

    It depends on how it's done. I heard one case where an entire department of consulting engineers uprooted and stole client contact information, worksheets etc. Needless to say they were up to their eyes in lawsuits by the end of the week.
  16. JaredS

    Advice for ex-pat Brit starting career in Colorado

    yay more coloradans! FutureAmerican, how about a shot at Raytheon, I don't have any contacts over there but their office is over off 225 and they are almost always looking for engineers
  17. JaredS

    Fixed or simply supported boundary condition.

    I would wager, because L is so small, that the end condition is irrelevant and design should be based on shear instead of flexure
  18. JaredS

    Highlighting MIN value greater than zero

    Use the reciprocal, calc a column 1/A1, 1/A2 and so on then find =1/MAX(B1:B1000) this works because the reciprocal of the smallest positive number will produce a large positive number whereas a small negative number would produce a large negative number.
  19. JaredS

    Italian engineer in USA

    always needed to be a little more mousey...
  20. JaredS

    Overworked to Death

    I paid for half my undergrad using money from the asphalt business. I love to bad mouth it but it is the only reason why I graduated without any debt.