I'm trying to find intersection of curves and values in a graphical optimization problem. Which commands help me? I attached my file?
Thank you.
Thank you Drej. Frequency. There are 6 motors and their revolution speed is 3000RPM. I want to calculate frequency of the system. OIf there are only one motor, I can calculate of frequency of the system as 50Hz. How can I calculate the frequency produced by 6 motors?
I want to doing a multiframe restart analyse with Ansys. There are 50 load step and I want to read previos results, delete loads and continue to next steps. How can I do with 'loop' or 'end do'? Could you send a sample macro. Thank you.
First opinion : You must apply convection boundary condition to the outside of thebox. So you must know outside air temperature. and inside wall of the box you can use convection and radiation.
Second : Fill the box in DM with fluid volume for air. and extract the other volume from the Fluid...
Hello, I want to ask about contraints Ansys WB. My problem is ; Contsraint region is'not free at -Z direction, But It's free at +Z.And X,Y free. Thank you.
I'm doing a fatigue analysis and I want to see deformations.
How I calculate deformations from safety factor in Ansys? Which command should I use? Thank you.
Hello. I've a excel result file, It contains X,Y,Z coordinats of nodes and nodal results. I want to use this file as boundary conditions on a face. How can I do this? I attached the result file.
Thank you for your response. There's no solid in my model. Faces are seen as body in tree. I place my mouse a face that I want to select. While I can select some of faces, the others can't been select
Hello. I've a part model contains of faces. But I cannot select face that I want. Are there an option in NX6 about it? Did you faced a problem like it?