Calling all Australian/New Zealand Pipeline Practitioners to comment on this new part of the Pipeline series. For a quick 4 step guide with all the links check out this article on LinkedIn.
Another more elegant solution is to use Power Query in Excel. It is an free add-on from Microsoft. It would have to be done in a few simple steps:
1) Query the workbook
2) Keep the row you want
3) Query and keep the row you want on the other files
4) Append the queries
5) Load to Table
Table UG84.2 is applicable based on the geometry of your test piece. So it may or may not apply as you haven't provided any specifics. S32205 is a 22 Chrome, have a look at S31803 which is for 22 Chrome.
Sorry to high jack... but I was interested in the G prefix as noted by gtaw. So after a bit of digging I found the ASME/AWS meaning.
SFA-5.20 Part C states the following: The "G" indicates that the external shielding, polarity and impact properties are not specified.
Buttering is generally used for corrections of weld gaps. This would be done to the qualified procedure for that joint.
If you have been asked to qualify a buttering procedure by your client, just qualify as per the joint that will be welded and just add additional hardness across the...
I reckon it is the effective throat as defined in (2004 ed).
As far as your example, the thinnest part is 12 mm, the pwps would require a minimum leg length of 12 mm, and given your contact size of 8 mm, an economic decision would be required in qualifying the contract weld size of 8...
Clause (d) of 2010 edition states:
(d) Unless specified in the engineering design, lines open to the atmosphere, such as vents or drains down-stream of the last shutoff valve, need not be leak tested.
This was raised in 1983, but was only updated in the code in 2010.
As per API 1104 Clause, any change in the groupings specified is an essential variable. You have already qualified a c-b, and c-a grouping, so you would need to qualify the remaining c-c, or X65 to X65.
Pressure piping, atmospheric tank, pressure vessel? If you could clarify these, then I'm sure we could give you the exact clauses of American Standards.
ConstantEffort, I would have to concur with your understanding. What has worked for me in the past is to sit down with the AI and show them the clause of the code and ask them for their opinion. We never want to be wrong, eh! I'm sure they will agree and will be happy to sign off on the data...
Hi all,
425.3 and 425.4, limitations are referred to para. 408.4 and 408.5 respectively.
I couldn't seem to find 408.4 or 408.5 in my version of 2012 edition. I do have these paragraphs in the 2006 edition.
You reckon this has been an oversight in both 2009 and 2012 editions? Or am I...
I generally use a 1:4 taper (14 deg). This is the maximum slope permitted by PD 5500 Figure 3.10-2. A bit more grinding, but smoother transitional has greater benefits.