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Another B31.3 Pipe Stress Analysis Question 4

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Dec 31, 2009
I am a Mechanical Engineering PE in the state of Florida with mostly Industrial Ammonia Refrigeration experience. I have recently had the opportunity to branch out into some other aspects of the pressure piping design world, specifically process piping, and started looking around at various sources of information. I have B31.3 2006 and initially began my search based on the required flexibility analysis.

From other threads on the site, as well as some other sites on the Web, it became clear that simply having a pipe stress analysis package like Bently was a matter of "garbage in, garbage out", and unless one really understands what's going on, it's best to leave this to the professionals (meaning actual pipe stress engineers, not any old yahoo with a Bently or CAESAR II license).

However, you have to start somewhere, so I purchased copies of Rip Weaver's "Piper's Pocket Handbook" and both volumes of "Process Piping Design". They introduced me to my first pass/fail method of culling through piping arrangements for those that definitely have adequate flexibility and those that may need some analysis, an important thing when you could save thousands by honing in on only the items that need analysis.

That's it for the long preamble. My question is this: both books I mentioned have essentially the same exact text on flexibility and minimum leg lengths for the "L" method and its analogs. The chapters also mention guidelines for reaction forces/limits for various equipment types. I am having trouble interpreting these two portions of the text. It would seem to me that piping flexibility is a separate issue from reaction forces at equipment and/or anchor points. My interpretation of the "L" method in the books is that, should you come up with an answer within the criteria, the PIPING is adequately flexible and stresses are pretty-much garanteed gelow allowable from a thermal expansion point of view. However, what does this have to do, if anything, with acceptable reaction forces at anchor points and equipment connections? The text doesn't seem to address how to find reactions, and I must be missing something, but I don't know what it is. Can someone with more experience and familiarity with Mr. Weaver's work please shed some light on this? Am I even approaching this method correclty, i.e. can you provide a better expanation of what "adequate flexibility" means with respect to pipe stress added by the pipe flexing?
Incidentally, as a side question, when he talks about anchoring pipe, what type of support would this be? Is it permitted to weld the pipe itself to a support (I guess if the pipe is not penetrated, it might be OK, at least in Normal Fluid service in B31.3)?

Sorry for the long question, I wanted to give sufficient background for a targeted answer(s). For those who are curious, yes I do realize that the Refrigeration Piping Code, B31.5, requires adequate flexibility as well, but I myself have never performed one of these analyses, and they are uncommon in that industry unless dealing with especially low temperatures or suitability of certain, non-impact-tested materials for lower-temperature service.
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Yes of course nonlinear material behavior is different from "general" nonlinear behavior, assuming you mean nonlinear boundary conditions such as gaps and friction when referring to general nonlinear behavior.

But these nonlinear reactions are not unrelated and decoupled as you suggest. Whether or not a gap closes or friction breaks depends entirely on the load at that support point, and load distribution is affected by nonlinear material behavior at elevated temperatures.

I'm a structural engineer with access to SAP2000. I spent a little time earlier to construct a small line/beam element piping model in SAP with nonlinear supports and compared results with and without material nonlinear behavior. In my example with delta 900F thermal load, consideration of nonlinear material behavior (plastic hinges) affected anchor moments over 65% in a poorly supported system, as well as calculating the wrong sign in one direction, and a 40% differential in moments in one direction in a more realistically supported system. Fortunately, at least in my small example, ignoring material nonlinear behavior was conservative (material nonlinear behavior reduced anchor loads for the most part), but the load distribution changes were significant. They were not some minor "sharpening of the pencil" differences.. Modal results surprisingly weren't much different(15%). With load differentials that large as a result of nonlinear material behavior, I could imagine some scenarios when it might be unconservative not to consider material yielding when calculating equipment or support loads. A 10% or 15% difference is one thing, but 65% difference and changing loading directions? That's a scary big difference. I guess we should be grateful that ductile pipe is so forgiving and that conservatism is built into the codes.

Another consideration would be changes to modulus at elevated temp which I ignored in my little test. With nonlinear pipe supports it could be unconservative to ignore it. That's the deal.. whenever we're modeling gaps and friction, changes to load distribution can have a huge impact on the analysis.

I've learned a lot from you in this forum biginch. The fact that such an experienced knowledgeable piping engineer as yourself has not given much consideration to material nonlinear behavior confirms my hunch that few engineers have thought to consider it.. I think the reason is because piping stress programs don't offer it, so engineers tend to think it's not important. ASME acknowledges yielding "shakedown" in their stress allowables.. perhaps they should be consistent by giving clear guidance on the effects of yielding when calculating piping loads.
Reduced allowable stress and modulii at elevated temperatures are given in B31.3. The stresses are kept lower than the reduced allowable stresses (still lower than high temp yield) and deflections calculated with the reduced E, so where is the nonlinear material behavior.

"We have a leadership style that is too directive and doesn't listen sufficiently well. The top of the organisation doesn't listen sufficiently to what the bottom is saying." Tony Hayward CEO BP
"Being GREEN isn't easy." Kermit[frog]
biginch, you wrote that code allowable stresses are lower than high temp yield. My understanding of the code is very different. Thermal stresses often EXCEED the yield strength of the material in areas, even when the ASME B31 calculations show the calculated stresses below the code allowable stress range. The code stress allowables take into account the "benefit" of thermal shakedown. Am I mistaken with this understanding?

If B31 piping codes assume that yielding will take place at elevated temperatures as reflected in the stress allowables, then why no consideration of this same yielding for calculation of piping loads on equipment, support, flanges, etc. It's inconsistent to use it for stresses while ignoring it for calculation of loads and deflections. Unless I'm missing something big, I don't believe my observation is controversial.

Yes, you're missing something, perhaps the code itself.

Consider the effects of loads caused by displacements, rather than displacements caused by loads. Maybe somewhat foreign to a structural engineer. If displacement stops, loads do not get any larger. Now add creep, "the tendency of a solid material to slowly move or deform permanently under the influence of stresses. It occurs as a result of long term exposure to high levels of stress that are below the yield strength of the material." (quote from Wiki) The piping code has allowances for both. Consider the effects from thermal loads wherea E is reduced, loads do not necessarily go higher if the rate of the reduction of E with temperature is sufficient, even though perhaps temperature is still increasing and expansion of the material continues. And I think its the effects of creep, essentially "yield below yield stess", that are the most relavent to pipe stress, rather than actual yield at stresses above the "yield point", perhaps the effects that you are identifying with.

A displacement stress range is calculated due to thermal conditions. Under certain conditions, such as a relatively low allowable stress pipe, used in low cycle service conditions, the allowable stress range may be greater than the allowed longitudinal stress, but (I believe at a maximum of around 96%) still less than the basic yield point of that pipe.

Maybe some quotes from the code will help too.

319.2.2 Displacement Stresses
(a) Elastic Behavior. Stresses may be considered proportional to the total displacement strains in a piping
system in which the strains are well-distributed and not
excessive at any point (a balanced system). Layout of systems should aim for such a condition, which is assumed in flexibility analysis methods provided in this

(4) variation of piping material or temperature in a line. When differences in the elastic modulus within a piping system will significantly affect the stress distribution, the resulting displacement stresses shall be computed based on the actual elastic moduli at the respective operating temperatures for each segment in the system and then multiplied by the ratio of the elastic modulus at ambient temperature to the modulus used in the analysis for each segment.

319.1.2 Specific Requirements. In para. 319, concepts,
data, and methods are given for determining the requirements for flexibility in a piping system and for assuring that the system meets all of these requirements. In brief, these requirements are that
(a) the computed stress range at any point due to displacements in the system shall not exceed the allowable
stress range established in para. 302.3.5

302.3.5 Limits of Calculated Stresses Due to Sustained
Loads and Displacement Strains
(c) Longitudinal Stresses, SL. The sum of the longitudinal
stresses, SL, in any component in a piping system,
due to sustained loads such as pressure and weight,
shall not exceed Sh.

(d) Allowable Displacement Stress Range, SA. The computed
displacement stress range, SE, in a piping system
(see para. 319.4.4) shall not exceed the allowable displacement
stress range, Sa

Sa = f (1.25 *Sc + 0.25 *Sh) (1a)

When Sh is greater than SL, the difference between
them may be added to the term 0.25 *Sh in eq. (1a). In
that case, the allowable stress range is calculated by
eq. (1b):

Sa =f (1.25 (Sc + Sh) ? SL) (1b)

f = stress range factor, calculated by eq. (1c). In
eqs. (1a) and (1b), Sc and Sh shall be limited to
a maximum of 138 MPa (20 ksi) when using a value of f > 1.0.
*my note* f (a function of number of cycles) has a minimum value of 0.15 @ 10^8 cycles and a maximum of 1.2

fm = maximum value of stress range factor; 1.2 for
ferrous materials with specified minimum tensile
strengths ? 517 MPa (75 ksi) and at metal
temperatures ? 371°C (700°F); otherwise fm = 1.0

N = equivalent number of full displacement cycles
during the expected service life of the piping

Sc = basic allowable stress at minimum metal temperature
expected during the displacement
cycle under analysis

Sh =basic allowable stress at maximum metal temperature
expected during the displacement cycle under analysis

"We have a leadership style that is too directive and doesn't listen sufficiently well. The top of the organisation doesn't listen sufficiently to what the bottom is saying." Tony Hayward CEO BP
"Being GREEN isn't easy." Kermit[frog]
biginch, from my perch, your assertions regarding yield are directly contradicted by ASME code commitee member Ron Haupt:

Relevant quote: "Generally, the flexibility allowable stress-range was permitted to approach two times yield"

I could swear that I've read similar comments from ASME code committee member John Breen in other posts. Maybe a dumb structural guy like me can't comprehend things like you say, or maybe nonlinear analysis is not your strong point yet you insist on defending your position without basis.. in my very subjective and less experienced-than-you opinion.

I'd love for other knowledgeable piping engineers like prex or John Breen or DSB to weigh in on this conversation.

Btw BigInch, I'm extemely grateful that you post here at this eng-tips forum. I've learned a LOT from you in many areas of piping engineering, and I hope to learn more from you in the future.
I didn't mean to imply structural guys are dumb (but could be, I'm actually a structural PE myself), its just that thermal loads are the reverse of the norm and most engineers don't think in reverse mode, at least the first time.

I can't speak for Mr Hapt; I'm certainly not in his league and I think he's saying its complicated for him to interpret the code as well, so I won't. I just see what's in the 31.3 code today, as quoted above and I know nothing of B31.1. What I don't see there right now is 2 * yield, but perhaps that could occur at higher temperatures where allowable stress might be a greater percent of a high temperature yield stress, and wider temperature ranges than what I'm used to seeing. With relatively cool temperatures within a narrow range, Sc and Sh would be equal and at low cycles f = 1.2, so theoretically that's a max of 1.5 * Sa. Sa is typically around 0.6 Sy, so I'm seeing 1.5 * 0.6 = 0.9 Sy.

Do you see something different?

I'm willing to listen to what anyone else wants to say, as long as its not a cut and paste job of a hundred and one references.

"We have a leadership style that is too directive and doesn't listen sufficiently well. The top of the organisation doesn't listen sufficiently to what the bottom is saying." Tony Hayward CEO BP
"Being GREEN isn't easy." Kermit[frog]
Since you are more familiar with B31.3, I will cite from that standard:

319.2.3 Displacement Stress Range
(a) In contrast with stresses from sustained loads,
such as internal pressure or weight, displacement
stresses may be permitted to attain sufficient magnitude
to cause local yielding in various portions of a piping

If you continue reading in that section, the code elaborates as to WHY this yielding is acceptable.. because it relieves stresses.

We're all trying to learn here, but I think my original question/observation asking why loads aren't calculated with consideration of yield when stress allowables consider yielding (and creep), is a question that sort of got lost when the question of whether yielding is permitted at all was raised. If the piping codes acknowledge and account for yielding in the stress allowables, it's inconsistent not to consider yielding (and creep in some cases?) when calculating piping loads on equipment/supports/flanges, and in calcuation of deflections. Why is yielding almost always ignored in piping stress analysis when calculating these loads and deflections?
I admit I think yielding possible, just that I don't see where it shows up in the value for Se, but that is with SL as the average across the entire cross section. If SL wasn't uniform across the Xsect, there could be some yielding occuring.

As to why its not considered further, when you reach localized yield at a point in the pipe, what are the support loads doing? Although some nonlinear changes in stress happen, arn't the support loads remaining relatively the same, or at least increasing at a much lesser proportion to strain than before yielding occured.

"We have a leadership style that is too directive and doesn't listen sufficiently well. The top of the organisation doesn't listen sufficiently to what the bottom is saying." Tony Hayward CEO BP
"Being GREEN isn't easy." Kermit[frog]
As John Breen elaborates in this thread, , the ASME B31 codes calculate an "equivalent stress". If plastic deformation is important enough to be considered for stress, it's important to consider for piping equipment/flange/support loads as well...IMO

My little test problem confirms that your instincts are good that yielding will typically not increase support and equipment loads. But we're often dealing with NONLINEAR pipe supports, so the closing of gaps or friction can make a huge difference in the analysis. I'd guess that in most designs consideration of yielding would reduce loads, but in some designs it could increase calculated loads. Once it's decided that nonlinear gaps and friction are important, and they often are, then EVERYTHING that affects loads and deflections also becomes important as it all can impact the analysis in a huge way. That includes nonlinear yielding and P-Delta effects too.

Another eng-tips poster (LHill or some similar monikor) linked to a software program from Paulin Research called something "gold", I can't remember the exact name. The piping software advertisement made a very valid point that I rarely/never see acknowledged among piping engineers - friction acts differently in different directions between heatup and cooldown. P-Delta analysis is required to consider this phenomena. It's clearly unconservative to ignore it. I don't know whether that software is any good or not, but why has this not been a "big" issue in the past? Because in structural engineering, nonlinear P-delta analysis is commonplace, yet in piping engineering it's unheard of. This relates to my original question - why is material yielding explicitly acknowledged in the calculation of B31 code stresses, yet ignored when calculating piping loads and deflections? I still haven't heard an answer to that question other than attempts to minimize the importance of that question.
My interpretation of "acknowledged but no methods prescribed" clauses; its a warning to be aware of when the effects could be significant, however it is left up to the engineer to decide exactly when it is significant and precisely how the effects in question will be accomodated in the design. Codes are not all-seeing oracles; they only prescribe the minimum requirements.

"We have a leadership style that is too directive and doesn't listen sufficiently well. The top of the organisation doesn't listen sufficiently to what the bottom is saying." Tony Hayward CEO BP
"Being GREEN isn't easy." Kermit[frog]
BigInch and ZippyDDoodah your respective points are not so well exposed on simple and recognizable statements, so it's difficult to follow your (interesting) discussion.
I'll refrain from going fully into it, and will simply try to state two points on which your respective arguments seem weak to me.
BigInch, if you don't see allowance for yield in B31.3, then you are wrong. This is demonstrated by eq. 1b) you quoted: assume S[sub]L[/sub], the longitudinal stress due to sustained loads, is close to zero and that S[sub]c[/sub]=S[sub]h[/sub] (low temperature), then S[sub]A[/sub]=2.5fS; now if you can take f=1.2 in this situation, S[sub]A[/sub]=3S or something that may be close to 2S[sub]y[/sub].
ZippyDDoodah, in your crusade for calculating expansion stresses with due account for nonlinearities (yield, supports, etc.), you seem to forget, if I correctly understand your point, that codes are there to provide a good equilibrium between public safety and economics. If a code designed for relatively simple and non critical systems like B31.3 (but the same holds for B31.1 and many other codes) was enforcing a plastic analysis for piping systems, then safety would not necessarily be improved, because of the complexity of such analyses, but the cost would certainly increase.
Of course we know that engineering methods are improving quite fast these days, so this point of view could notably change in future versions of the code (perhaps not before ten years, as code committees are, correctly, quite conservative).
However note also that the concept of elastically calculated stresses, on which B31.3 is based, does not imply that the calculated stresses should stay below yield, but only that a linear behavior is assumed also beyond yield, and the method, on the basis of well founded theoretical considerations, may well give safe results, not always necessarily realistic, but safe.

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NO no, I agree. It's that old problem of adding 1+1. I got side tracked and was thinking more about trying to prove the final results, rather then the racheting process itself. Thanks to you and Zipp for clearing my head.

"We have a leadership style that is too directive and doesn't listen sufficiently well. The top of the organisation doesn't listen sufficiently to what the bottom is saying." Tony Hayward CEO BP
"Being GREEN isn't easy." Kermit[frog]
Thanks prex, I was scratching my head on that one too. Great discussion.

Zippy, I'm sure I can't answer the question to your satisfaction either. This is still an applied science, not a pure science, so not everything works out. To put it another way, if the analyses were not sufficiently accurate the code requirements would be changed.

Currently the way things are done relies on the analyst's judgement for situations that are not fully addressed in some/most modern pipe stress analysis programs. For example, if I have large moment across a flange or a valve (near code allowable), I'm definitely going to look into fixing or analyzing it further because it is more critical than a simple pipe. e.g. what is the valve material, is it ductile? does manuf. have max design loads? Where friction would result in a less conservative result, such as a nozzle load, you would want to model in friction to get the additional axial forces to make the supports break the static friction forces and pop.

I appreciate where you are coming from, because all the GOOD engineers go through the same process.. asking why. But sometimes you just have to follow the recipe if you want the cake to come out right..

prex, thanks for your comments, but I think you may have missed a point. When you say that the B31.3 method has been proven to give safe results, you're referring to stress/fatigue, not piping loads on sensitive equipment right? I agree with your comment that the code stress calculation methods and limits have been proven safe over time, but as you know, it's very possible to have excessive piping loads at connections with sensitive equipment while keeping piping stresses within allowable B31.3 code limits. If yielding was an important consideration in the development of the B31.3 stress limits, then it seems inconsistent to ignore them when calculating piping loads on equipment, flanges and supports

Whenever a piping network is modeled with nonlinear gaps and friction which is commonplace, analysis considerations which could easily affect the closing of gaps or breaking of friction.. those considerations, including nonlinear yielding and p-delta on the beam element model, would seem to become even more important. My little SAP piping model indicated substantial changes to load distribution when considering plastic hinges in a high temperature system, although in that example the hinges "softened" the loads on the anchors. Current thinking seems to be that yielding and p-delta effects are not very important, but my guess is that these considerations could have a profound impact on the results of many designs, even if it's believed to be too "costly" to consider them with current technology.

Apologies if my comments came off as a "crusade". I originally intended it as a one-off comment/observation until I had to further explain and defend my original statement in subsequent posts.

ZippyDDoodah, IMHO you should more clearly state your opinions, otherwise your positions, if not as a crusade, will appear generic and broad.

If you are specifically criticizing B31.3's way of calculating end reactions, then you should show an example where B31.3 gives an unsafe result. This of course is far from being impossible, but then we would have something to discuss about in detail. Also you should recall that checking the strength of equipment against piping end loads is outside the scope of the piping code, and that, if those loads are excessive, you can always try to recalculate them with a finer method, staying outside the scope of the piping code.

As I already pointed out in my previous post, a code has two main goals: safety and economics. The first one may be attained also with very unrealistic results, it doesn't matter to the code, provided they are safe: so to tell that a code gives unrealistic but still safe results is not acceptable as a criticism to the safety of that code.

Of course an unrealistically safe result might impair the economic side of the picture, but then, to criticize the code on that one, you should estimate the change in cost of design, fabrication, testing and also define a representative set of piping systems, from the simplest to the more complex, each one with its frequency of occurrence in the industry...: quite difficult as you see.

To say the same with other words: the fact that you find big changes in the end loads (or whatever else) when using an approach more sophisticated than the minimum required by code, doesn't mean at all, as a consequence, that the code should be revised.

: Online engineering calculations
: Magnetic brakes and launchers for fun rides
: Air bearing pads
CASTI Guidbook to ASME 31.3-Process Piping ISBN 1-898038-86-X See Chapter 6 Flexibility Analysis of Piping Systems
This book covers the requirement of flexibility 31.3. It covers factors, formulas, and considerations to be taken during the analysis.
If I understand the discussion correctly, Zippy is concerned because the code does not address yielding in equipment nozzles. I have several points to add.

1) B31.3 governs the piping system. Component loads are to be evaluated in accordance with their own codes, such as BPV Section VIII, API 650, API 610, et cetera.

2) Although some yielding in the piping system is acceptable due to its ductility, it is completely unacceptable to cause equipment nozzles to yield. In fact, the nozzle allowables for API 610 pumps are designed to prevent excessive casing deflection even within the elastic range. The piping system must be designed to not only stay within B31.3 allowables, but to minimize the loads on nozzles to the level of acceptability determined by their codes.

3) Deflection of nozzles within the elastic range is included in the analysis (although some client standards insist that vessel nozzles be treated as rigid). These days, I typically use FEA for nozzles on pressure vessels, put the resulting flexibility into the piping system, then extract the loads to put on the nozzle and examine it in FEA to meet the BPV code allowables.

In summary, we don't need to account for yielding of equipment nozzles because it is part of our job to ensure that it does not happen.
Crusader911 (Mechanical) 19 Jul 10 12:26
If I understand the discussion correctly, Zippy is concerned because the code does not address yielding in equipment nozzles.

Crusader, you misunderstood my point. I never suggested yielding at nozzles. I suggested that yielding in other parts of the piping system could have a significant effect on equipment loads and in calculation of piping loads on supports and possibly dynamic reactions.

I have examples where consideration of yielding resulted in significant changes to load distribution (300% change to anchor moments in one direction). However, the changes in those small examples reduced anchor loads, so ignoring the yielding was conservative from an anchor load standpoint, although the loads were distributed elsewhere in the system. However, with large changes to load distribution with nonlinear pipe supports, and nonlinear pipe supports are commonly used, the risk that that gaps could close or not close resulting in less conservative results would seem to be an obvious concern. That I don't have an example handy (I'll post again after I have some time to experiment) doesn't mean that it's not a big deal, or that these concerns are merely academic. My earlier comment was that it would be interesting to see a study. The effects of yielding are real, and piping codes acknowledge yielding in their stress limits. It's inconsistent to ignore this phenomena in calculation of piping loads on sensitive equipment and on supports unless one "knows" that ignoring yielding will always result in a conservative design.

On a related note, Paulin Research points out with an example that it's often unconservative not to account for changing friction directions during heatup and cool-down, yet that too is commonly ignored. Pipe rack deflections of 4" or more under seismic and wind load are often commonly ignored in pipe stress analytical models too. It's not a "criticism" of the piping codes to raise these sort of questions in how things are typically done and whether or not such practices might results in problematic designs. Skip past their FEA offering and page down to 'path dependent friction':
I understand now. The issue of nonlinear supports has always bothered me. Typical beam-type pipe stress programs cannot handle them very well, and in fact on many models I have had to remove gaps and/or friction in order to get the solution to converge. I know that I have taken a step further away from the truth when I do this.

I have PRG's suite of programs, including PCLGold, but I have not yet convinced myself that one can model in that program as quickly as in Caesar (a definite concern with project man-hour budgets being cut to the bone these days), nor do I feel that the aforementioned nonlinear effects would exceed the safety factors in the B31.3 code and the equipment code allowables. As you are no doubt aware, the safety factors are there to account for the things we do not know, cannot anticipate, or cannot easily quantify. I think this fits in the latter category, although the advance of technology allows us to calculate things today that would not have been practical yesterday. NozzlePro versus WRC-107 is a good example of this.
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