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Boost your brain power! 2

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Apr 30, 2005
This is a silly post, but hey, i'll ask anyway....

I always tend to worry that i'm not 'brainy' enough. When I see a product/invention etc that i find interesting and clever, or i'm stuck on solving a problem, I get cheesed-off with myself that I have'nt the talent to produce such a device....

Any tips on becoming more creative and brainier.

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I haven't seen any evidence that eating certain foods can improve intelligence. There may be nutrients that help to reduce the cognitive decline associated with ageing, but, to my knowledge, a healthy person cannot improve his fluid g simply by modifying his or her diet.

There is, however, plenty of evidence suggesting that certain drugs such as caffeine can improve cognitive functioning:

There's one thing I like to do to tickle the synapses- I play chess with my girlfriend about three or four times a week. We have very different styles - mine is sort of like a steamroller stuck in first gear, hers is more like a machine gun stuck on full auto. Makes for some interesting chess.

Coffee doesn't do the same for me as it might for others. Thought here...Do energy drinks count for cognitive functioning? I know when I drink one of those beverages that come in the 'SUPERSIZE ME' 24 oz can, I become fairly alert and energized. Honestly, I want to believe they are good for ya but there made of mostly processed sugars. But then again alcohol isn't neither but the ingredients that create a beer are. The saying was an apple a day will keep the doctor away...now it's a drink a day...just my .25 cents (inflation)

Break out the Rubik's cube [smile]


Edson Gebo
Mechanical Designer/Drafter
SW2007 SP2.0
Cadra 2006 (yup 2D still exists)
Sometimes Success Begins at Failure

Hanging out with stupid people is unavoidable. Many workplaces are rife with them.

However, NEVER argue with a stupid person. He will only bring you down to his level, and then beat you with experience...

old field guy
Dear oldfieldguy...a member of eng-tips.com actually has that phrase/slogan in their signature. Avoiding stupid people is not an easy task. What was the line in Caddy Shack, "Hey the world needs ditch diggers too", or something...

Hey...I don't think I'm stupid until I talk with my 4 year old. Did you know Goofy has a son and his name is Max...not me! I had to look it up...boy did I feel stupid [wink]

Edson Gebo
Mechanical Designer/Drafter
SW2007 SP2.0
Cadra 2006 (yup 2D still exists)
Sometimes Success Begins at Failure

Wait until you acquire grandkids - that's how I found out how dumb I REALLY am!

John Nabors

'Heaven is the place where the police are British, the chefs are Italian, the mechanics are German, the poets are French, and it is all organized by the Swiss.

Hell is the place where the police are German, the chefs are British, the mechanics are French, the poets are Swiss and it is all organized by the Italians.'
Call me odd but I read upside down. It helps work your brain and once you are good enough at it you don't have to have people turn things around for you to read!

aardvarkdw...that is so whacked...I ACTUALLY DO THAT!!! I don't think I'll be joining MENSA anytime soon but...:~)

Edson Gebo
Mechanical Designer/Drafter
SW2007 SP2.0
Cadra 2006 (yup 2D still exists)
Sometimes Success Begins at Failure
This is what I tell my kids:
Genious (success, getting rich, inventing something, etc.) is 1% inspiration (talent) and 99% perspiration. Didn't Einstein say somethink like this?
sughew, I often feel the same way, and would like to increase my CREATIVITY, which is not necessarily the same thing as INTELLIGENCE (which I could stand to improve also:))

I often think if I had it to do over again I would get some actual hands-on art training (as opposed to art history, art criticism, etc.) something to improve visualization and creative skills.

Unfortunately it is the nature of the engineering profession that, in lots of fields, people can have a great deal of technical and organizational skills, be extremely competant and successful and yet almost never get a chance to do anything creative.



graybeach, that was Edison
Oh yeah, it was Edison. I always get those two mixed up.

SnTMan, I agree with you about creativity. As I sit through technical lectures (so I can get enough PDHs to maintain my PE registration) it occurs to me that a class in creative writing, pottery, literature or film would be more helpful all around. I'll have to put that on the short list for New Year's resolutions.
graybeach, I firmly beleive the more the hands are invoved in shaping matter the better. There is something about the hands and head working together to produce some thing that just feeds creativity. I spent a lot of years fabricating metal and so forth, and kind of miss a lot of it, although the pay is better and the work is physically easier at my "desk" job.


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