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Detailed Work Instructions... Format 1

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Sep 9, 2009

I just landed a job here as a ME and my first order of business is to create detailed work instructions for the machinery.

The problem I am currently having is Format. I must make these instructions applicable to even the most unskilled workers in case there is any slow down in production. The roadblock here is that most of these processes are very complicated and non English speaking workers are involved. I feel the best way to write up such descriptions is to work the machinery myself. The only problem with that is that the possibility of me operating certain machinery is slim. There is one man who is able to operate most all of the machinery on the floor but his time for me is short. I am looking for some advice on how I should handle this if any.

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If you can't do watch, if you can't even watch, well you're probaby screwed when it comes to machinary like it shounds. You could look at the manuals if you have them but it's not going to be as good.

Pictures/illustrations are going to be your friend, especially with the language issue.

Get a decent digital camera and take pictures of each step & make a few notes as you go. Then annotate the pictures when you create the instruction. This could potentially be when the tool is just being used normally rather than some special "show & tell session".

Rather than a workinstruction document you may want to consider placards at the machines or similar.

See if you can come up with some symbols for common things rather than words, especially safety issues. In these days of litigation, I suggest you emphasize safety warnings etc. and consult with someone that is familiar with regulatory concerns.


Have you reminded yourself of faq731-376 recently, or taken a look at posting policies: What is Engineering anyway: faq1088-1484
I agree with KENAT. Pictures and symbols. Numbers if position, location, part datums, feature sizes need to be communicated.

Don't forget to put a procedure in place to change these process documents when drawings/specifications change.

Get as much machine time, watching or doing, as possible. Interview the operators to understand what they look for when setting up and processing the part. You will get their buy-in/ownership of the instructions. Makes you smarter, too, as it will affect how you design parts for manufacturability.

Cincinnatikid , I suppose I should verify. Your OP makes it sounds like you're trying to make instructions for how to use individual machines or work stations, is this correct?

Or, are by machinery do you mean the product? Most of the above still stands but for product assembly documentation we've found it usefull to utilize the CAD data as this allows dynamic call up of part numbers etc, and can be clearer than photographs for some things - we still use photographs where it is beneficial. Also, use of the CAD data sometimes allows us to create a first draft of the assy documentation before we have hardwar, although it always changes a little after we actually build one - to emphasize insidemans point.

If you are looking at product assy documentation you may want to consider a tool like IPA (interactive product animator) which helps generate the assy procedure based on the CAD model. We had a trial seat and it was pretty impressive but we didn't really have the impetus to introduce it.


Have you reminded yourself of faq731-376 recently, or taken a look at posting policies: What is Engineering anyway: faq1088-1484
It's best to keep it simple when it comes to work instructions for the machines (press brakes, punch press, etc.) Break it down into less then 10 steps plus some notes geared towards safety, PM, and quality. For the notes, ask the supervisor if anyone has ever broken a machine or injured themselves. Also ask him what the most common causes of scrapped parts are. More details can go in a procedure in the quality manual. Part-specific things should stay on the blueprints & routers.
You can probably assume that a, uh, non-native workforce can operate the machines, or will be trained to do so by their cousin who works at the next machine.

You can probably also assume they can read a blueprint and make sense of numbers.

What they can't reliably make sense of is English.

So, text instructions, and notes on the drawings, are a complete waste of time. Getting notes translated is also a waste of time, because you don't know which dialect is the target, and it may change anyway.

One answer: Cartoons. Showing a sequence, detailing techniques, including balloons to indicate the sounds the machine or the product should make.

Second choice, if you're not up to doing the artwork: Pasteups, of photos arranged like cartoon panels, again with balloon sound effects.

Try to get the whole mess into PowerPoint or something so that it can be reproduced, edited, adjusted and maintained after you are gone. Don't put the original art out on the production floor.

Third choice: The work instruction/ process sheets typically used on a JIT line. Not because they're ineffective, but they may rely more on text than is practical in your shop, and they're expensive and slow to make, typically from CAD models which never have exactly the right view available, so there's still a lot of screwing around done with the images. On the other hand, you can probably rent people who have actual experience documenting a JIT process.

Mike Halloran
Pembroke Pines, FL, USA
"You can probably also assume they can read a blueprint and make sense of numbers."

Are you serious Mike? Half the Engineers round here can't read a real drawing.

Cartoons or step by step exploded instructions are great, but they can be real time consuming. Took me something like 10X as long to create the detailed work instruction for a relatively simpla assembly as to create the engineering assembly drawing. Couldn't help wonder if we wouldn't have been better training them to read drawings.

At a previous employer they'd hire an artist to make 'cartoon' type placards for each step of the assy process, very effective as I understand it. No where as detailed as some of the work instructions we make but got the job done.


Have you reminded yourself of faq731-376 recently, or taken a look at posting policies: What is Engineering anyway: faq1088-1484
I've been through the startup of exactly one JIT line. The results were great, but the process was painful... and took a year, even with artist/specialists to do the work instructions. We gave up on assembly drawings completely, after having re-done them every time a product's process changed, for decades. We did that even before JIT, after realizing that when you eliminate WIP storage and retrieval, the assemblies shown on the typical drawing never exist anyway.

I've worked in a _lot_ of shops where I didn't share a written or spoken language with some or all of the workforce. Never had a bit of trouble with a decent blueprint being mis-read, or a quantity or measurement mis- understood.

I _have_ had problems with engineers not being able to read a print, or reading it differently than I do, but never with the people with tools in their hands.

Mike Halloran
Pembroke Pines, FL, USA
We have a similar situation in our country too,where most of the people working on assembly lines or other trades like machinist,tool and die makers do not speak or understand English. But they are able to read the drawings well,their 3D imagination is excellent and I have never had a problem interacting with them technically.

If you think education is expensive, try Ignorance.
- Andy McIntyre

Thanks all,

Your info has really helped me get an idea of where to start.

@KENAT: Yes these are individual machines and workstations such as a stitch welder, roll former, or insulation cutout station.

I believe that picture/cartoon is the way to go due to language barriers and I will be attempting through powerpoint.

Think long and hard about powerpoint. It may be the way to go but make sure. There was a thread somewhere bemoaning over use of power point and some very valid issues were raised.

<bit off topic>

Mike, the arguement about not booking in or out WIP is the one they give here for having almost flat assy structures rather than sub assemblies. Trouble is that means there's no chance of using the Assy drawings on the shop floor, so a long detailed Work Instruction is made instead taking a lot more time (at engineering rate). Now, if you were building thousands of items fair enough, however when your production rate it lucky to reach double digits per month with total run of manybe a couple hundred I can't help thinking maybe it would be a better idea to stick with classical simple quick assy drawings and find some way around the WIP storage & retrieval issues. Just to make it really amusing, they are now implementing "Kan Ban" on various product lines and so are re-creating some sub assemblies to do this.


Have you reminded yourself of faq731-376 recently, or taken a look at posting policies: What is Engineering anyway: faq1088-1484
The station or bin associated with a KanBan card is sort of a really short WIP storage queue, with an inventory limited to quantity 0 or 1.

My JIT line was designed for something like 12 units a day... but the guaranteed delivery dates and the (new for us) reliability of the product boosted sales to 4x that rate very quickly. That was the last product we did on paper, and the last to have _any_ assembly drawings, basically cleaned up layouts of the major modules. We didn't set out to build thousands, but eventually we did.

I wasn't recommending PowerPoint as a presentation tool, but as an archival means to agglomerate and maintain some disparate forms of data that would otherwise be stored separately.

Mike Halloran
Pembroke Pines, FL, USA
You should be flattered for being chosen to write work instructions. That is normally reserved for the top flight operators in the department. The meaning of documenting work instructions is to instruct others not versed in the art. It also documents 'tribal knowledge' as some described it.
Your QC leader should have a desired format for WI. Mine was: date, title, summary, content, diagrams if any, contact person. Sketches and dwgs can be scanned into the WI. Most were 3-4 pages. The QC mgr assigned the number, and it was entered into the WI register for the co.
We too struggle with capturing this "Tribal Knowledge". We currently use Microsoft Word with written instructions and include pictures whenever necessary. We are also preparing to possibly implement this piece of software.
There is a 15 day trial so that you could give it a try and see if it works for you. Good luck.

Mfg. Engineer
"Fighting the 'Good' Fight"
I have been using Cad & excel as a tool
I use cad to draw an actual geometry of the work.
I use excel or word to explain the order of operations.

there is enterprise software out there but I never liked it.
was not flexible enough or could not add sketches the way I like them.

I had a friend take pictures of the work in process.
and that worked find for him.

You have to be very versed in the work that is being implemented. You need to work with your experienced operators to make sure your Instructions are valid.

work with the guys on the floor, they will appreciate that.
Looks like a lot of good ideas and anwers here.

Have you considered or do they do process failure mode and effects anaylsis at your facility? My experience has been that PFMEA's will catch many assembly problems before launch. Manufacturing can easily review and help with the analysis to pinpoint ergonomic and worker problems and even help to discard or add failure modes.

I once worked on a high volume pulley assembly and colour coding of the bearings on the seal was necessary due to similar looking bearinga assemblies (all 6203's). I added a failure mode of colour blindness to my PFMEA and during discussion manufacturing pointed out that they were aware of each employee with colour difficulties (there were two).

When completed using the suggestions above you should end up with a functional and dynamic instruction package.
Note that WI are co. documents, and they are updated like eng dwgs. They can also be superceded by more up-to-date material. We changed gear analysis methods, and this was reflected in the updated WI. The lineage of methods is documented in the footnotes of the new WI. The content of the old info can be overprinted with large bold 'OBSOLETE' and/or sequestered in an 'inactive' file.
Plasgears has a good point.
configuration control, sketches should have some time type of rev changes. there will certainly be changes.

I use revision letters just like on drawings.


In my opinion WI's should be relatively easy to get changed to incorporate feed back from shop floor etc. This doesn't mean they shouldn't be rev controlled but the process may need to be a bit simpler than on drawings which fundamentally define the requirements.

For safety/function critical aspects like inspection procedures the requirements may be more stringent like for drawings but for assembly instructions that primarily detail the most efficient way to assemble something I would consider that being easy to update is important.

Posting guidelines faq731-376 (probably not aimed specifically at you)
What is Engineering anyway: faq1088-1484
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