Yesterday at 2:17 AM #1 Sym P. le Mechanical Jul 9, 2018 1,133 The only reason this incident didn't have a more drastic outcome is because the failure occurred just coming out of the lift station. The lift runs 3.4 km gaining 4,133 ft of elevation. It's a 12 minute ride. Last edited: Yesterday at 2:26 AM
The only reason this incident didn't have a more drastic outcome is because the failure occurred just coming out of the lift station. The lift runs 3.4 km gaining 4,133 ft of elevation. It's a 12 minute ride.
Yesterday at 4:03 AM #2 Tomfh Structural Feb 27, 2005 3,499 Fatigue at the bend presumably. Looks like a bit of a kink associated with the bending operation too, which wouldn't help. Last edited: Yesterday at 4:38 AM Upvote 0 Downvote
Fatigue at the bend presumably. Looks like a bit of a kink associated with the bending operation too, which wouldn't help.
Yesterday at 4:12 AM #3 SWComposites Aerospace Nov 6, 2000 3,568 Right at the site of max tensile stress. Hmmm…… Upvote 0 Downvote
Yesterday at 5:56 AM #4 IRstuff Aerospace Jun 3, 2002 44,591 great, I'm just about to go skiing Upvote 0 Downvote
Yesterday at 7:34 PM #5 epoxybot Structural Jul 31, 2006 599 Maybe they should design these to have an internal wire cable restraint, as a redundancy. Upvote 0 Downvote