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Is having degree certificate mounted on the wall tacky? 10

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Jun 12, 2006
A fairly light hearted one for you:

They are having layoffs at my place. Apparently one of the deciding factors is who has a degree or not.

I have a Bachelors of Engineering (honors just so you know;-)) but apparently no one except my direct boss knew this and they were planning accordingly. He has made a point of letting senior staff know I have one but…

Just to re-enforce the point how tacky would it be to put it in a frame and mount it in my cube?

My boss and I were joking about it earlier, I’m tempted to do it just for comic effect but then, maybe not.


KENAT, probably the least qualified checker you'll ever meet...
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A star for you swivel! Well said!


Mechanical Engineer
"When I am working on a problem, I do not think of beauty, but when I've finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong."

- R. Buckminster Fuller

Where I graduated from, they actually sent me a wallet size diploma also.
Heh, if it is in your CV and employee file, you'd hope the a*****les in HR would read your file and remark on it to management. It is what HR are supposed to do.
If you need to put it on the wall, you have a big problem. But in all probability, in the circumstances, you probably need to not only put it on the wall but have an unveiling ceremony to which you invite management.

By the way, why don't they cull HR and IT then Sales and Marketing and then Engineering last of all?


I have no idea where my cert is after 40 years, but I do have a Fork Lift Truck (Counterbalance) cert on the office wall, as well as some nice copies of old beam engine drawings!


I have several advanced degrees and certifications. The only one that I have ever bothered to frame and display publicly is my PE license. And the sole reason that license is hanging on my wall is because by law it must be there.

Personally I would rather display what I have learned through the quality of my work.


"By the way, why don't they cull HR and IT then Sales and Marketing and then Engineering last of all?"

Because they are senior management.

In fairness those areas may be hit (hopefully not IT as they're kind of short as it is from previous lay offs) but I'm sure the lay offs wont make sense to the like of me.

KENAT, probably the least qualified checker you'll ever meet...
I'd go with the gut feel. If you think displaying your degree's is a good idean, then go ahead. I treat it more like "office decoration" decisions - do I go with the mountain scene, or the downtown Manhattan scene?

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Not sure about the dentists but if you look below, then 5 million of the doctors are thick as pig s*%t and therefore you shouldn't believe a word they say.......

PS Ken,

My degree parchment hangs proudly outside the main bathroom in my parent's house and has done since I graduated...... Someday I'll give it the pride of place it deserves, maybe outside the bathroom at my place of work. Then everyone will know that I have a degree and it might help others to remember to wash their hands LOL


“It is a mathematical fact that fifty percent of all doctors graduate in the bottom half of their class." ~Author Unknown

"If two wrongs don't make a right, try three." ~Author Unknown
Well I'd decided to do it but...

I left it on the breakfast bar at home and didn't bring it with me - doh.

I won't be home till the weekend now so it'll wait till next week if I'm still employed here!

Thanks to all,


KENAT, probably the least qualified checker you'll ever meet...

No I don't think you should hang it up on the wall, I worked at a couple of places were that was done by one or two individuals and I am afraid they lost respect of there colleague's at day one.
In fact people started hanging their cycling proficiency,
25yards swimming certificate's etc they gained at school.
Whilst a degree or any other engineering certificate is a worthwhile qualification to me its an personnel thing and putting it on your C.V. is a must, as it may open doors for you that otherwise would stay shut.
At the end of the day any qualification is just a piece of paper that means you are capable of performing your duties to a certain level, it doesn't mean you do it any better or any worse than someone less or more qualified than yourself.


desertfox, that's pretty much my opinion, and I would have been one of the people posting their cycling proficiency certs (if I'd got it).

It was more a case of hanging it in a dig at management/HR for not realizing I had a degree. It's not like I kept it a secret, it's there on my resume/CV in black and white.

However, maybe having another week to contemplate whether to make a dig at management is a good idea.

KENAT, probably the least qualified checker you'll ever meet...
I dont think it is tacky but putting EIT after your name is tacky :).
Put the PE license up on the wall and sign your exterior documents with PE after your name, (some require seals also). This is mandated in some states and standard in most offices.
civilperson, I'm exempt mechanical, PE doesn't really come into it.

Also due to my education being in the UK it's difficult/timeconsuming/expensive to get my PE so I don't have it and at this time I'm not actively pursuing it.

I'd quite like to get it in the future though as related in previous posts of mine.

KENAT, probably the least qualified checker you'll ever meet...
This is interesting, in all the places I have worked (UK based) no one hangs their degree, CEng certificate on the wall. I have always thought this is to do with the restrained British psyche, such as not blowing your own trumpet. Maybe we are too trusting and take people at their word when they say they have a degree?

However, the way the politically correct brigade are going over here, I expect if you did put it up HR would tell you to take it down. It may be deemed offensive to someone with less qualifications than you.
What about all those certificates from SAE for excellence in oral skills (or equivalent)? I'm going to dig out my cycling proficiency and 25 Yards front crawl certificates tonight.
You know, it's funny, I have a shelf dedicated to just stuff I get from my company, like acheivment awards, plaqes for completion of programs, and certificats from different educational programs, so why can't you put up your degree? It is somthing you have achived and actully took you four years to get. Mine is tucked into a portfolio that I take to job interviews and is the first thing I show to the interviewer. I guess it is because everybody that I work with has a degree so why display it if everybody has one.

For the OP, I would think that HR knows that you have your degree, if not, they are not doing their job. When lay off comes around, it is usally who knows who, who is pissing me off, and who are the dead wood that they get rid of. Degree or no degree, if you don't have a reason to stay, there is an email pink slip waiting for the unlucky.

Good luck!

"If you avoid failure, you also avoid success."
Display your PE on the wall, and use ",PE" after your name on calling cards. Your degrees will be implied by the PE ref.
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