We have recently become aware - through publicly available articles in various trade magazines, and web articles - that counterfeiting of a commodity consumable product is becoming more common.
There are credible reports of incidents where the use of this counterfeit product outside of the US has resulted in the loss of life and damage to property.
To date there is no credible evidence that the distribution of the counterfeit product has reached the US market.
Our clients may use the commodity.
Within our firm there is a camp that feels strongly that we have a professional obligation to "warn" our clients (all in the US) about the threat posed by the counterfeit product.
Another camp says that these days anything is likely to be counterfeit, so buyer beware, and the clients all have full-time purchasing departments, so we have no obligation.
There are credible reports of incidents where the use of this counterfeit product outside of the US has resulted in the loss of life and damage to property.
To date there is no credible evidence that the distribution of the counterfeit product has reached the US market.
Our clients may use the commodity.
Within our firm there is a camp that feels strongly that we have a professional obligation to "warn" our clients (all in the US) about the threat posed by the counterfeit product.
Another camp says that these days anything is likely to be counterfeit, so buyer beware, and the clients all have full-time purchasing departments, so we have no obligation.