While working in Part Families in NX11, created user defined attribute in Template and linked to expression in the Template part(same data type, dimensionality and units).The link is not intact in instances.
For example, Template part is "Part" and instance is "Part-1".
Expression in...
Is there a way in NX11 to create more than one interpart expression linked to same source expression but with different expression name in destination file.
For example:
Source file name: ABC
Expression name : Length
Destination file:
1. Expression name: Length_A
yes John, the documentation was describing using a spreadsheet to create "family of parts". As per you, it is just a generic part which will not create any instances.
I'm using Tools---Part Families, option to create template and children for the same purpose as explained by you.
I'm using NX8.5.
When I'm going through the help documentation on "spreadsheets" I happened to see "variation on a theme" given as (a.k.a family of parts).
What is the basic difference between "Family of parts" and "Part Families".
@Michael--- your suggestion works well eqaully spaced holes. what about Holes at different pitch angles???
And if I do so, I'll not have the link between n.oof Holes in Cylinder and no.of rods in assembly.
Attached the NX 8.5 models, what I'm exactly doing.
Is it possible to use "from pattern feature" option for fully constrained components to create an component array?
I'm able to array the components by giving two constraints align and touch w.r.t the referencing Pattern feature but I want to freeze the orientation also.
Hello John,
I tried adding a "callout" attribute at the component level in the assembly and could present my Part List as needed. But the problem comes when I change something in the part file with holes and again comes to the assembly file, the part List is showing "[...]" and again I have to...
I'm using NX8.5.
I had a cylindrical part with 3 steps and each step will have different parts assembled.
Now, in the drafing sheet, I wanted to show a table with first column as "Steps" and second Column as "Part Number" and third column as "Qty".
For this purpose I use "Part List"...
I'm working on NX8.5
I wanted to import my Part Family table from model to drafting. I could able to import part family table in the drafting sheet where the drafting sheet is created in the part file itself.
But it is not working in the Master model approach.
Is there any way to import data for angular pitch values from external spreadsheet to make circular pattern. I tried with "use spreadsheet" option but couldn't able to import data.
Hi John,
I tried that option but I have a problem here. The moment I click on the desired surface, it is giving the X, Y and Z coordinates, and I edit the coordinates of X and Y, and I want my Z coordiante to be adjusted automatically on the surface as per the given X and Y coordinates. But it...