Yes FENCE does not Trim crossing elements.
Some time ago I,ve used a trick with XREF's like following.
To the current drawing inserting reference drawing as XREF or either as Block.
Draw the cut out polygon as Closed Polyline.
Then with XCLIP command cut out unnecessary areas of the reference...
Draw the polygon when copying:
Ctrl+Shift+C (copy with base point)->Select base point->FENCE->select the vertices of the polygon.
All selected items PASTE in any other opened drawing.
It is difficult to say how to make tables in Autocad with such functionality and up to date relations between changes like other programs do.
What ever you try after each change in the table, you will be required do updates manually in every drawing.
I never tried Autocad dynamic block...
Do you talk about excel table as OLE object in Autocad?
If I remember, after editing such Excel tables from Autocad it was possible to drag the bottom or right border to adjust additional rows and columns.
But later I more liked inserting original Autocad tables linked to Excel. This allows to...
In Autocad you'd rather make a copy of the table and simply delete all these rows and columns to be hidden.
Original copy of table move somewhere in the non-printable area and keep it for later table editions.
Another way could be using MS Excel.
When table in Autocad is inserted as Excel file...
To the first JuanBC question:
Before executing (MT) your have to create layer named "TEXT":
Manually in the current drawing.
Manually but once in your drawing template,
or some additional Lisp code where the "TEXT" Layer have to be created if not exists.
Try to put this:
(DEFUN C:MT () ; MText...
It has effect, when you are trimming something within 3D space but not in 2D.
Trim -> Project has three options: None, Ucs and View.
When Project is set to None, trimming lines have to cross each other in the space. Otherwise they will be not trimmed.
When Project is set to Ucs, lines will be...
I agreed with you SparWeb. In my life I meet many people from manufacturing and engineering plant that "work" with Autocad for centuries and well knows how to open drawing, print it and as higher level users are able to put some dimensions.
Autocad still always by my hand, just time I spend...
...given arc length:
(defun c:CBL()
(setq cp (getpoint "\nCenter of the circle: ")
cl (getdist "\nLength of the cirle: ")
(setq rad (/ cl (* pi 2)))
(command "CIRCLE" cp rad)
Sometimes I have to measure distance in XY plane with Z distance ignored:
(defun c:DIXY ( / fPoint sPoint...
There I've found some really good script at:
'current document
doc = ThisDoc.Document
'unit manager of the document
oUOM = doc.UnitsOfMeasure
'get the value of Area
surfaceArea =...
Thanks for the response.
I am trying avoid to open every part and set custom parameters.
Still keeping the way to create Length, Width, Height and Area parameters formatted as String from the highest level assembly to every part and subassemble that belongs to it.
Created parameters could be as...
Dear Folks,
Stacked recently while creating Custom iProperties on multiple Part files.
Overall Length, Width and Height parameters of every part, that later will be used within IDW Part Lists.
Required units in mm with Precision of 0
Also Part surface Area in m^2 with Precision of 0.000...
Now I understand your requirements to the DXF/DWG files.
Try these two lines in your Lisp code:
(setq AllSplines (ssget "X" '((0 . "SPLINE"))))
(command "CHPROP" AllSplines "" "C" "RED" "")
Dear Blades741,
Flat Pattern DWG Export Options appears only on saving Flat Pattern as DWG.
There after generated Flat Pattern you should see the icon of the Flat Pattern at the bottom of the Sheet part Browser Bar.
With the right mouse button click on that icon drop menu opens with Save As...
When exporting flat patterns from Inventor to DWG, there is ability from Flat Pattern DWG Export Options -> Geometry tab to replace Splines into other geometry.
In that way you will get the clear flat pattern without any Splines.
Here is a fragment of code instead of two lines in above written code:
;(princ "\n\nPoints list:\n")
;(foreach ppoint Curve-Points (print ppoint))
(setq file_name (getfiled "Generate points list file for the slected curve: " "" "txt" 1)
(setq file_write (open file_name...
Dear SparWeb,
What version of Inventor are you using? I made it with 2016.
There are the same two cylinders passed in the space in .iam file. Axes of cylinders are not crossing each other, they are not parallel and not perpendicular.
Additional Work Axis is made between Work Planes offset from...