A NB "R" Stamp holder can perform the re-rating.In accordance with the rules in part 3. Just make sure that the certificate holder has experience with re-rating a Div 2 vessel.
Take a look at FIG 100.1.2(B.1) The pic clearly shows that this Boiler external piping and is considered part of the Boiler. See also B 31.1 124.1. Because This is Code piping and should be repaired by a R stamp holder. What Jurisdiction are you in?
Good Morning,
PG-52.3 was revised several years ago, it is now permitted to have the circumferential aligned holes govern the design. PG-52.3 has a formula to calculate the equivalent longitudinal efficiency of circumferential ligaments. I suggest that you review the current Section I.
In the late 1980's when I was working for HSB I also had to prove ASME equivalence for a vessels built in France. I made a presentation to the rules board and after much discussion they approved the installation and the State placed some "State Special Numbers" on them.
Marty, and chicopee are...
I suggest you should take a look at UG-16 (b)(4). The minimum thickness required by Section VIII for compressed air service is 3/32" (2.5 mm). What if any RT of UT was preformed?
Have you asked your Inspector or the AIS? I'm sure that they can answer your question. Or, have you asked them and didn't like the answer? David has answered your question thoroughly. Accept it and move on.
Good Morning,
You can go to the ASME website and verify that that have a U2 Designator or request a copy of the Certificate from A or B. ASME issues the Certification Mark the manufacturer applies the Designator (U U2 S etc), this change occurred several years ago. Loyd's is a AIA and as such...
Crosby and David:
There are a lot of Certificate holders that still do not understand the meaning of UW-11 (a)(5)(b). When I was a ASME Team Leader I had to educate many Certificate Holders on this subject.