Some possibilities are:
VFD to control pump RPM
Impeller trim to reduce head at same RPM
Pressure reducing valve. The pump affinity laws will show you how RPM or diameter reduction will change your pressure and flow from the original.
Do you have access to any of the purchasing and quality information that might go along with the drawing to get the parts? This could be PO's, supplier drawings, materials test cert's, heat treatment cert's, etc. You might at least be able to revise the drawing to reflect the present status of...
Does anyone here have experience with using dry gas / cavity decay test instead of presurized water to leak test pumps with rotating mechanical seals?
After I think 18 or 20 years of solid modelling, I'd say 'whatever it takes' to get the net shape you need. I've been working a lot with castings lately. Generally with castings, weldments too, you make an as cast or as welded configuration, and model the machining steps that remove material in...
3D, when I was in school, my controls professor said in lecture that he was working with the navy. They wanted a smoother ride on the automatic carrier landing system so that the pilots would use it more often.
Could you develop the mission better before detailing the boat? You might ask what someone will need to self rescue when your device comes up to them.
You might also take a look at what other people have developed for similar missions...
My guess is that you lost your default search locations when IT worked on the computer. If you have references in different locations it'll be a mess until you tell SWX where to look, then it should be fine.
This is useful about where SWX looks for references in what order. You probably lost...
At the boatyard, we have a 1/2 ton chainfall on a trolley and a chain that has a ring in the middle and a hook on each end to pick and move the steel. Once you pick it, it's not hard to move with the trolley. I expect with a crane that has a rotating beam you could use a chainfall or hoist on a...
I don't think it's because the EV's are electric, but because the cars are made by companies new to the auto body business.
An electrician friend explained that when capacities of conductors, terminals and so on are mixed one can form a wrong idea about the circuit based on incomplete inspection. If incomplete inspection leads you to unsafe ideas about the wiring, then that's the problem.
That's interesting. They might have to change some things, but I wouldn't stop trying. Maybe they didn't strength test at proof of concept or proof of process capability when they should have. King Arthur didn't stop when John Cleese said 'Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of...