- May 29, 2003
- 409
I am younger, but have the opporuntity to work with much older, well-seasoned coworkers.
I work in a management position above them, and I rely on them to daily work very hard and long to accomplish company goals and fill orders.
I would like to think that I have a good relationship with them, as good as managment can expect with his employees. I make it point to regularly "work in the trenches" with them. I do it to refresh my memory on what realistic expectations of work from them are.
I often hear comments about how people from my generation do not know hard work, that a life running computers and leisurely tasks is all we have known. I laugh it off most times, and just attribute that attitude to a bad case of "grump old men syndrome"... but it still grinds on me.
(Maybe I'm too closely correlating "hard work" with "physical work"...)
Recently, after pondering these comments more closely, I look to US history and life during industrial revolution, agrarian society, and the Great Depression, and I think maybe these guys hold an element of truth to what they are saying. Granted, these guys are all from an age post war, but they still remember hard living as a way of life.
I pose the question to the group: Do young people these day show the same hunger for hard work that people from your generation show? Do older people have an aversion to laziness that my generation lacks? I'm curious to see what posters in other countries observe as well.
Thanks in advance.