- Jun 27, 2001
- 151
I graduated with a Mechanical Engineering Degree and obtained a PE.
If someone knows the answer to this question please tell me:
Why does it seem that everyone is making the same amount of money whether one is in engineering or in some other profession?
Realize I love my profession, and I love the science behind what I do, and I watch Discovery and NOVA like most people watch a football game. But Engineering was a very hard degree to earn - my friends in other majors did not have to do half of what I did to earn their degree.
I help high school students from time to time and I am asked would you recommend engineering as a degree choice.
My answer: Only as a degree; it will provide the foundation for any other secondary education you can dream of (medicine or law). I can't bring myself to say - go engineering you will never regret it.
I find it discouraging that friends selling cell phones are making way more money than me and don't go to bed at night wondering whether their new design is going to kill or injure someone.
Plus - I was sweating out exams in college weeks in advance while everyone else was partying up to the day before.
Am I the only one with this observation?