I don't know why but if I have a hole that is threaded it shows up fine in a draft, but if I have an external thread it shows up fine in the model as a simplified thread but has no hidden lines in the draft showing the minor diameter, it just looks like a shaft.
Click on the dimension you want to change and near the top a ribbon bar will show a number of things. /the second box from the left should be the precision where you can change to 2 places and second from the right side of the ribbon bar is an X, you can click on that and add a tolerance note.
Right mouse button on the view and select properties, go to the display tab and go to where you see a section check marked and uncheck. If you have other section views you will have to be careful which ones you uncheck.
I am running V20 and have no problem on most assemblies but for some reason I have one that will not allow me to cut any parts. Has anybody seen this or have any ideas for me?
You only need 2 sketches, one for the bent centerline and one for the cross section you want at the end of the centerline. Draw your centerline sketch and then at the end of your cl place a plane normal to curve and then draw your xsection on that plane. Start swept protrusion and leave the...
If I understand what you mean, I think I would draw a sketch of the bent centerline I want the bar to follow and then do a swept protrusion with the croos section of the bar.
I would have to agree with Kenat, copy and paste into a software is probably the only thing you will find. The internet does have some free translation sites (babelfish for one) that you can copy and paste into different languages.
Not sure exactly what you mean, but I would think just doing a sketch on the top plate and then the sketch lines or points drawn 45 degrees to the plate. If you have points then when you do your hole command you should be able to locate them off of the points.
I am on V20 and every time I save an assembly file it creates a .cfg file that XP says is a microsoft office outlook file. Is there any way to turn that off so it does not always create this file?
I think it sounds more like for some reason your dimensions are driven dimensions (blue) and cannot be changed (underlined) unless they are converted to driving dimensions.
Try going to one of the machines that work correctly and copy the draft template that you use and put it in the same directory on the machine that does not work correct. (I would rename the existing file as old first so I did not overwrite it). I think this should work.