Umm, but in this case, strong axis (y') rotates to be in line with moment axis, not perpendicular?
Do anyone have a generalized spreadsheet that can do any generalized section and any loading?
So I can define any section with X,Y points and loading in the spread sheet, spreadsheet do all...
rb, my pic was just what I thought it should be as I use principal method, compared to what professor had, so it was no correct.
We know now NA method only gives two extreme point for max and min principal stress, like you said other points with one edge free leg may be more critical for...
All good points. NA would be easy, you know loads and moments, you know principal axes (only one set, max and min), then you use max axial stress = 0 formula, specially for complex section, yes?
Agree on cripple, I think this post was for mainly max and min principal.
Min principal may not at...
You know rb, you are right, using principal is not wrong, its just more points to calculate. But what if the section is more complex, many more corners?
Yeah, is why I put in red, I not sure if it was correct, extreme points was confusing.
But now I think I know, point A on upper leg using principal axis system will not be highest stress compressive, only point A on horizontal leg using NA will be, is it better?
Both method will not be correct...
Model: All hex elements, model long enough so far field value correct in midspan.
1000 in-lb vertical on RBE3 dependent node, RBE3 is CG point to face. Other end pinned.
Min and max principal stress results show professor is correct, neutral axis will tell correct points of max and min stress.
I make part with same dimensions, measure inertia in NX and make this display, NX show principal axes same as professor has to scale and correct angle.
You can see 'x' is major principal, 'y' is minor principal.
Yes very muddy.
I have no problem principal method, all good with me.
Only problem is the neutral axis 'fuss', :-).
The professor neutral axis is calculate from equate maximum axial stress (from principal M component and MOI) to zero.
He find angle with principal of 24.5 deg, it is not...
Yes never go college, this all self taught from, :-) just joking.
So I still have no good reply on what the importance of neutral axis for unsymmetric section bending check as the professor did?
Mohr's circle is sure really nice way.
I agree with principal for both points and stress, I, y etc.
But then I see the paper by the professor, he has neutral axis by equal of axial stress=0.
Then he find angle from principal axis of this neutral axis.
That is why I confuse, why neutral axis? Both neutral and principal pass through...
How you calculate extreme fiber points for bending check?
You use neutral axis or principal axis?
The professor use neutral axis for points but transformed using angle of principal axis.
That is my confusion.
Dear All,
Sorry for this basic question. I learn in past Mc/I only applicable to principal axes.
But this professor use neutral axis, which is at angle to principal axes to find max and min point, but use principal axes for stress?
Here is link...
TY so much Snickster. Silly mistake in calculation, so basically I close to FEM result. Very much helpful.
But yeah prying contact can be done in FEM if needed.
...there are two on each side of center, but I keep one for simple.
Sorry I missed fastener shear plane dist, it is 5.2" (between inner vertical blue lines).
So Total Fastener Shear Each Side = 50*(10.74+0.8)/5.2 = 25.6lb
FEM GPFORCE Nodal Z shows Total 2*55 = 110lb each side. Something not...
Hello All,
Trying to do FBD shear loads at the side fasteners 1.20" from top. What do you think?
FEM output shows 110lb there each side. Figure not exact to scale.