I stayed at 11, missed 12 & 13 luckily, went right to 14, and love 2000. Do what I did. Find someone with it and try it. If it amazes you buy it. 14 did and so did 2000 for me. 12 and 13 just did not have anything but a slow down in production to me.
Also there is some shareware/freeware out there that will do this somewhat. Get an old softdesk 8 civil program if it's available. Shouldn't cost to much.
Just to add my two cents.
Hopefully in the future the driver will be taken out of the equation with auto piloted vehicles. I think I do know what you are talking about though. If people would not smoke, drink, etc... the world would be a better place also-maybe. Except for the inocent...
I believe what you are looking for is a report format submittible to a reviewing agency. This report would cover a design analysis and would have appropiate back up data inserted so any design professional could see you methods of maddness. My desoign reports generraly are 1/2" thick...
Very good answers guys, especially the negative end of Mr.? waterflowsdownhill and the positive end in Mr.? bigot's crossing over discipline comments. It shows that sometimes all disclipines have to come together to solve a problem rationally. I liked the encasing comment of Mr.? WINhydro...
To really get a feel for Tc, educate yourself as to how Tc is determined. Read do not glance at the TR55 manual. It's a good starting point. Vist sites during storm events and observe to get a feel as to waht is going on, especially take note as to existing soil conditions and cover...
I have seen signs on interstates and roadways that say speed limit 55, radar enforced!
As engineers, get involved early with school programs to educate the children in these matters. Explain to them, and show them how the eco system works, and how things got screwed up because of our...
Tidal is Tidal!
Does the site actually outfall to the tidal waters or run through an area adjacent to the tidal waters. This would determine if SWM is required. Perhaps the requiring agency actually means WQM for your paticullars. Any way there is no reason to provide SWM to tidal waters...
Now let me get this straight. You are required by a town to provide a detail for a device that they require and do not know what it should look like. You may have a misunderstanding of what they are saying to you. First ask them if they have a sample drawing of a previous project so you...
Another consideration if the problem is really a dangerous one, is to pipe it, and place inlets.
This is why urban roads have curb and gutter and we use inlets, otherwise we would'nt need them, RIGHT!!!
All of the above are good answers, but to properly check the design of your system, you will need to know something about headloss in pipes and inlets.
Generally every bend causes the corresponding upstream flow to be a little higher and create a sort of pressure head to get around the bend...
Well gosh! down here we-all just dig it up and see who comes to repair it.
What kind of question is this?
If you are in this profession, shame on you!
If not, call an engineer who is!!!
Generally!!! rainfall data collection stations are only as good as the the data collected???
This means that if a storm passed just inches away from the data collector the collector would not have registerd the rain event. However the results of the rain event would be felt on streams and...
I have had a similar problems in the old farm areas of Delaware. Delaware is by nature sandy. The problem first arose when a stabilized construction entrance seemed to do the jello role. Our soils engineer could not confirm a high water table nor was the soil bad. Further investigation...
I would suggest you forego the traditional Rational Method and in this case use the TR55 method. In TR55 you can downgrade your soils for compaction. The results will be very similar to the rational method except you will have more control over the end result. By all means check...