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Things are Starting to Warm Up. 21

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What is FY? Is it 20? so the chart starts at 2024 and ends at 2050? Is the numbering such that FY can be 21? Just curious...

So strange to see the singularity approaching while the entire planet is rapidly turning into a hellscape. -John Coates

Ian and ironic: I don't think we want to take this thread into that area of politics, or even on this website. [pipe]

So strange to see the singularity approaching while the entire planet is rapidly turning into a hellscape. -John Coates

Shouldn't that line be trending in the opposite direction? or even levelling off?


So strange to see the singularity approaching while the entire planet is rapidly turning into a hellscape. -John Coates

No, we have a big Australia policy, by 2050 the population will have doubled compared with today. As such we are building a city the size of Adelaide every year (really?), building 4% more rail per year (in somebody's attic roofspace), building better catchment for the water they need (subject to planning permission) and so on and so forth. We're also switching to EVs so will need to replace all the power used in cars and trucks. Oh its all joined up thinking. Also of course all gas heating, cooking and hot water will need to be replaced.


Greg Locock

New here? Try reading these, they might help FAQ731-376

National Socialism? I only live in N America because of it, not by choice. The German problem can be traced directly back a century to 1920s conditions in the Weimar Republic. Those conditions were in turn a direct consequence of the disastrous 1919 Versailles Treaty.

Folks will casually categorize me as a 'boomer', which I find hilarous (and almost a slur in the same way milennials often don't appreciate the way that term is used on them). It is not that much of a stretch to think of myself as closer to 'refugee', even if it was delayed. It took Europe more than two decades to overcome the physical and societal devastation of the war. Certainly my parents generation of immigrants were routinely called DPs (look it up), and many of their generation were exploited for cheap farm labour by their Canadian 'sponsors'. When I arrived it was only male WASPs who could take postsecondary education for granted.

But to your question: the first reference is a good one, but the second one I would shun. It is a grossly simplified scorecard, and oversimplifications are mistruths. Further, it falls back on the ridiculous 'left-right spectrum' scheme. There is actually no such thing; that 'model' is a dumbed-down, artificial construct that offers us the illusion we are having debates about politics, when the 'conversation' sounds more like two halves of a sports arena screaming epithets at each other. Even before the Interweb the level of political discussion was pathetically low; today it is nearly nonexistent. The media requires this scheme for their simplification and stupidification imperative; politicians utilise it to help Divide, Divert, and Demonize (the 'three Ds' that make up the standard issue politician's tool kit). But let's be honest, all of us prefer complex ideas to be dumbed down and predigested, so that we can easily pigeonhole anything and anybody. We sure don't want to do the required reading. We prefer to embrace the propaganda we are fed than do any self-examination into the past sins of our own tribe (and no tribe is without sin).

Back to the distinctions between political systems; your average voter cannot explain the difference between socialism and national socialism. That is a severe indictment of our educational system. But a totalitarian state is a totalitarian state, regardless of which sacred text they are reading from.

And my definition of ideology (provided by whichever sacred text)? It is the theoretical nonsense we cook up to justify and rationalize the sh!t we do to others, individually and nationally. I take my guidance firstly from Orwell (and I do not mean simplistic readings of Animal Farm).


dik said:
Ian and ironic: I don't think we want to take this thread into that area of politics, or even on this website.

Impossible to separate politics from this subject. I don't want to indulge in it, I just want folks to understand that politely setting politics aside is a refusal to comprehend how and why we are where we are.

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts."
epoxybot said:
I just look at this chart and think, there is nothing man can do, one way or the other and we are truly living in blessed times for human beings.

Interesting contradiction: having a deterministic and fatalistic worldview, and feeling blessed about it.

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts."
ironic... STOP

So strange to see the singularity approaching while the entire planet is rapidly turning into a hellscape. -John Coates

@ Ironic, I'm glad I asked because now I feel we completely agree on most of your points.

Paris 1919 by Margret MacMillan is an excellent book, I have my own copy right here and it was well worth the time invested to do the required reading. I think it was disastrous that the treaty was not ratified by the US Senate. Was Wilson really that far out of touch with his peers back in the US? Was there ever any set of conditions that would have been ratified?

ironic metallurgist said:
self-examination into the past sins of our own tribe
That's what I prefer to do. There are plenty of good examples and it helps me to keep them in mind.

TugboatEng 30 Jun 22 05:42 said:
What do some speed statistics contribute here?
I believe that public transportation can play an important part in reducing CO2 emissions and the US is woefully behind many other nations.

ironic metallurgist said:
I just want folks to understand that politely setting politics aside is a refusal to comprehend how and why we are where we are.
I completely agree. As far as I can see the climate change debate has been settled in the scientific community and the reasons for inaction are entirely political. It is critical for enough members of the public to understand the real threat to their own well-being and have sufficient trust in those who are willing to put in place legislation to change course away from fossil fuels toward renewable energy. It is also important to understand the motivations of those (and their supporters) who would undo efforts that stand to reduce the effects of climate change.
I think we are all well aware of that, and bringing up politics will not further the information to be learned. So, let's drop politics. It doesn't belong here and will only detract.

So strange to see the singularity approaching while the entire planet is rapidly turning into a hellscape. -John Coates

"No, we have a big Australia policy, by 2050 the population will have doubled compared with today. As such we are building a city the size of Adelaide every year (really?), building 4% more rail per year (in somebody's attic roofspace), building better catchment for the water they need (subject to planning permission) and so on and so forth. We're also switching to EVs so will need to replace all the power used in cars and trucks. Oh its all joined up thinking. Also of course all gas heating, cooking and hot water will need to be replaced."

ahh, greg ... always the negative waves ...

another day in paradise, or is paradise one day closer ?

a big one Greg... and I don't have a clue about how that will work out.

So strange to see the singularity approaching while the entire planet is rapidly turning into a hellscape. -John Coates


They might be wrong, but that could be one of the outcomes... I'm pretty sure California, or at least parts could use a little more rain.

I forgot, you have to rake the forrest floor.

So strange to see the singularity approaching while the entire planet is rapidly turning into a hellscape. -John Coates

dik said:
So, let's drop politics. It doesn't belong here and will only detract.

Politics was here from the get-go, in the form of extreme positions, conspiracy theorism, personal insults, or just plain bizarre. It is delusional to imagine this problem is a technical one, and that unprecendented political leadership is not essential to defeating it.

Here are some of the high(low)lights. In reviewing this entire thread the number of sideways shifts is impressive (but not in a good way).

JoshPlumSE 16 Jun 22 16:33 said:
Also, our politicians have decided that protecting a small species of fish (the Delta Smelt) is more important than providing water to the central California farmers.

SnTMan 18 Jun 22 15:26 said:
Seriously? There is a worldwide faction that is SO concerned they have convinced children they have no future.

GregLocock 19 Jun 22 00:32 said:
That is an example of the extent to which the political scum have indoctrinated our children,

hokie66 19 Jun 22 19:45 said:
Now if only the rest of the world would mind its own knitting...

GregLocock 20 Jun 22 07:42 said:
The propaganda works.

dik 20 Jun 22 16:51 said:
one of the reasons we are in this mess is because of rightist laissez faire capitalism.

GregLocock 20 Jun 22 23:26 said:
After 50 years of doomsaying about the reef, and its stubborn refusal to die, how much longer will we have to wait before a government will audit the science institutions that have been scaring our children?

TugboatEng 21 Jun 22 03:57 said:
Is it a conspiracy to think that a university may want to temrinate a professor that speaks against their major source of funding? Climate change is very profitable for universities and banks...

Tomfh 21 Jun 22 11:34 said:
It’s bizarre that they went after Ridd. Strange behaviour when they’re fighting the idea that there’s a manufactured consensus climate change.

TugboatEng 24 Jun 22 05:06 said:
Tell us how Marxism will combat climate change?!

TugboatEng 24 Jun 22 15:11 said:
Marxism will help because it will tank economies and cause a mass die-off of the human race. This is what ironic wants.

Tomfh 28 Jun 22 00:42 said:
You haven’t heard the people talking about the climate hell that is upon us?

Tomfh 28 Jun 22 20:48 said:
What is Net Zero by 2050 if not a plan for massive upheaval?

hokie66 29 Jun 22 01:16 said:
And hopefully, it will cause the new government to become the old government.

TugboatEng 29 Jun 22 06:33 said:
If the alarmists get what they want we'll be emitting more. 25 years to replace 125 years of energy infrastructure is going to greatly increase carbon emissions in that term.
IM has made it clear that his goal is not about reducing climate change but reducing humanity.

Tomfh 1 Jul 22 20:50 said:
It doesn't seem to occur to people that they might be engaging in confirmation bias and falsely attributing historically normal extreme weather events to their ideas of catastrophic climate change.

hokie66 1 Jul 22 22:35 said:
Alarmists have no solutions, and can't even identify the problem. They just worry about the sky falling.

hokie66 1 Jul 22 22:52 said:
All that says is that the deep state bureaucrats don't have authority from Congress to make all the decisions they have been making.

SnTMan 2 Jul 22 00:12 said:
I have difficulty envisioning how the extra-constitutional behavior of my government is corrected....

TugboatEng 2 Jul 22 03:27 said:
The mainstream has declared war on discussion. Anything contrary to the mainstream will be labeled as misinformation/disinformation. As a person you will be labeled a denialists for simply asking questions.

hokie66 2 Jul 22 10:20 said:
The other states have succumbed to the weather jihad.

enginesrus 2 Jul 22 14:54 said:
Its a stunt.

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts."
ironic... LET'S DROP POLITICS. We all know they are an integral part to climate change. I should have added, that unless it's a real dumb political move that will make the problem greater, like the SCOTUS decision.

So strange to see the singularity approaching while the entire planet is rapidly turning into a hellscape. -John Coates

Anybody notice that the rise in climate change follows the exponential rise in college sports profits and tution? Universities will push anything that brings in revenue. Climate change grants and football are the two most profitable programs at the moment.

IM, hopefully you see this comment in time to add it to your list.
Shifting the goalposts...and now, trolling.
You are nothing if not multi-talented TBE!

But here's the thing about trolling: it is most effective when performed subtly.

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts."
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