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Pipeline Pressure Loss 14

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@Tug, This Anglo Saxon has a strong dose of the genes he inherited from primates in the Congo and he unashamedly revels in it.
I'd suspect this new Baltic pipeline feeding into Germany from Norway isnt going to provide much relief in the long term, given the relatively smaller gas reservoirs in Norway. It makes more sense for Europe to tap into the much larger reserves in Russia.
It would be interesting to see what the final straw on the camel's back will be that will make Europe realise they need to break off from the Cranky Duke of Nuke, now chronically Demented, altogether - right wing nationalism is spreading through many countries now. This incident will only accelerate this wild fire.

This presumption they have to is what is driving the current tactics.

In reality it's forced the politicians to do something which they have been putting off for 30 years.

And it will be permanently changing the market.

The Norwegian gas only has to last 2 winters and the situation has completely changed. In some ways it's done Europe a favour.

Quite what the situation will be in two years is anyone's guess. But I am pretty certain it won't be how Russia thinks or wants it to be. With the sanctions and the complete reliance on western tech I would be surprised if Russia could come back to the market in its previous state.

The nationalism has been building for years. But by the time it could trigger change, options will have evaporated. It's more likely that other changes will occur which will nullify the effect to stop those changes.

This is driven by personal hatred of a nation. Which kicked off a tactical stupid course of events.

It's more a culture than genetics both sides. One is still in the 1940's and the other has developed and is much less resistant to change and faster too change.

I can only presume he thinks it will trigger social pressure to give him what he wants. Or it could also be linked to the gas price going down. As much as they are lying about the sanctions being ineffective. Things are mounting up rapidly. He is burning his breeding and labour stock. His educated are abandoning the country. People are not producing children. There are collosal issues which have been building for the last 30 years.
The German people were protesting to "open" the pipeline. They're getting desperate. Canada shut down Nord Stream 1 when its Siemens denied delivery of the gas compressor. If Russia has control I would suspect they would wait until winter until prices go through the roof and then start trickling in gas for maximum profit OPEC style. It doesn't make sense that they would blow it up as they're still the provider and still control the rate.

The pipeline also contained $215 million in gas that is now lost. I'm really surprised they would charge it with that much gas without some guarantee that it will be bought. Maybe there were some behind the scenes deals we don't know about? A working pipeline looks just like a laid up pipeline.

I don't know of anybody that thinks the rupture is not intentional at this point. The only question left is who. Russia is a wildcard and always a possibility. Iran has been developing underwater unmanned vehicles and have attacked other energy conveyors (ships) recently. Eco-terrorists have never been so well organized but recently have lots of political support for whatever reason. Heck, Tucker Carlson thinks the USA did it. He's right that the Biden rhetoric sounds like they were willing to blow it up but the Biden rhetoric also sounds like he's about to blow up his diaper. I don't give much weight to Carlson's theory.
Canada didn't. It's been sitting in Europe waiting for delivery for months.

Import into Russia was the final problem which was waiting to be resolved.

Germans only care about one thing which is the German economy. They have similar issues brewing to Russia in regards to population. Half the EU principles are tailored to deal with German issues. But similar to Russia the presumptions on how other cultures would react were way out.

The free travel stuff was meant to stimulate educated skilled labour to immigrate to Germany. They didn't want to and went to UK. Hell Germans don't like to move between regions in Germany due to the outsider attitude of the locals. And they have most of the reasonably paid jobs set up so you need a German school education to be able to do them. It's the same in Sweden as well.

And I agree it's not closed book who has taken it out. It doesn't make much sense for Russia to do it for me. But alot of the tatical logic hasn't made sense to me since they went for Ukraine first and not the Baltic States.
If you listen to USA media you would think it was the Italians with their most recent election. *Sarcasm alert* Blowing up the pipeline would bring the Germans onboard their nationalist agenda and rekindle that relationship of past.

Why Russia is in Ukraine should be obvious. Ukraine supplies Europe with food and energy. It gives Russia huge power over Europe to own Ukraine. The reactors in Ukraine are Russian built so it should be a simple endeavor to take over operation. Secondarily, Ukraine has warm water ports to export food and energy. Primarily, Ukraine is where Western politicians go to launder money. How many of the billions being sent to Ukraine are going to the war effort?
He means depending on the language of the media outlet the political opinion and pressure that the various situations generate.

What he doesn't realise is that some media alter the bias depending on your cookies and location to generate advertising revenue.

Which he is correct reading the German media gives a different impression on the subject compared to the UK. And both of them have a marked difference to the local Baltic media.
Okey then maybe I should ask witch of my post he was referring to?
I thought it was the one about the armed minesweeper found in 2015.

“Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.“
Albert Einstein
Red, yes it was about the armed minesweeper. I appreciate you finding the continuation. Those of us that speak only English are limited to search results that are based on English terms. You likely knew some better, regional key words that brought you to the relevant facts. In the USA we actually get very little news from Europe. We get disasters and UK Royal or UN political stuff.

Alistair, don't think I don't know about the search bias. Remember, I like to date searches to a time before they became newsworthy to help tamp down on bias.
The Baltic link has taught me something new.


I have never seen this style of t-shirt before.

Dressing in army style uniforms as supreme leaders is kind of a dictator thing. USA presidents don't do that. As wide open as the question is, maybe Ukraine bombed the pipeline? Their president seems to have motives beyond peace.
It's a tactical t shirts.

There is all sorts of Gucci gear these days. Ukraine has quite a large textile industry so it's relatively easy for them to produce what works and people want.

Shoulder pockets are good for when your lying prone at a firing position.

In my day we used Chinagraph pencils and rubbers alot on plastic A5 rollable 10 page booklets with sealed proformas in the plastic pockets. I can't see things will have changed because it worked.

As for the USA cultural norms of the USA presidents.. He is doing well and knows his people.
Tug the Iranians are allies with Russia sending them kamikaze drones so they have no reason to blow Russias pipelines.
And they have enough to deal with at home with all the women burning their hijabs and cutting their hair and everyone beating up the police.

It is not a coincident that this happens just days before the Russians are going to declare the occupied territory's as a part of Russia and not separate Republics and at the same time calling for a meeting with FN about these blown up pipelines, why would they even turn to FN with this?
It is just Russian logic to create attention on something else when they them selves are up to no good and at the same time use it as a reason to justify what they are about to do.

North Stream 2 wasn't delivering any gas North stream 1 only 20 % of it's capacity since July if even that, the Russians claimed September 6 that they would not start delivering any gas, blaming the sanctions and not being able to make service and they didn't want to take the turbine offered to Siemens from Canada "since it was against the sanctions" what kind of logic is that?

And for selling gas to China haven't been able to find any pipelines that connects the Russian gassystem with the chines of course they can move it in other ways but not efficiently, if they had been able to do that they wouldn't had to burn it up in Vyborg.

I think this video from "Gazprom" the 6 of September says a lot.

[youtube jRaYCGiMQIA]

“Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.“
Albert Einstein
Tug said:
I appreciate you finding the continuation.

Thank you, I try to do my best.

Tug said:
Dressing in army style uniforms as supreme leaders is kind of a dictator thing.

He is not only the president but also the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, it is just his way of showing every one and mostly his own people that I am chosen by you and I am not above you even "though he is" right now, and that he is not dressing up just to play the political game because this war isn't a game for the Ukrainians.

“Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.“
Albert Einstein
@Redsnake, i think you nailed it with regards to the most likely cause considering the timing: Causing a diversion wrt the illegal "referendums" in occupied Ukrainian territories. Wrt to Tugboat i think this is a case of "dont feed the troll".

--- Best regards, Morten Andersen
If I remember right, the probability of getting a natural occurring rupture on a typical pipeline is something like 1 in 10,000, making the odds against 3 indepent ruptures occurring 1E+9 to 1
It's still 100 million to 1, if the 2 leaks at one location were not independent (evaluated as only 2 independent events). The Little Mermaid is being brought in for questioning.

Einstein gave the same test to students every year. When asked why he would do something like that, "Because the answers had changed."
You might have to make it 4..

[URL unfurl="true" said:
The Nord Stream pipelines are leaking in four places


The leaks in the gas pipes Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 are not three, but four.
Something that the Coast Guard clarified late on Wednesday and which Svenska Dagbladet was the first to report on.

The larger of the "Swedish" leaks is on Nord Stream 1, the smaller is on Nord Stream 2.

- We have leaks at two positions in the Swedish economic zone.
Then there is another leak just on the other side of the border, in the Danish economic zone. These three are very close to each other at the intercepted area where we have our ship, says Coast Guard spokesperson Mattias Lindholm.

Both Swedish and Danish seismic measurements show that two explosions took place on the seabed hours before the leaks were discovered.
But the second explosion gives more complex results in the measurement data, and it could be a question of a third explosion that followed closely on the second one.

- But this could also just be reflections in the geology that cause us to see these complicated waveforms.
You get more echoes in this area, says Björn Lund, seismologist at Uppsala University.
- We are working on this today, but it is not at all certain that it can be sorted out in a simple or quick way.
Thank you Red.
Hydrophone data would probably be better than siesmographic.
So the P of 4 definitely says unnatural origins.

Einstein gave the same test to students every year. When asked why he would do something like that, "Because the answers had changed."
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