Hi there.
As for installing the documentation, this can be done by inserting the first of the documentation set CD's. If the CD does not autostart browse for a installation/start executable file.The installation program will ask you to insert CD's one by one during the process.
You can choose...
Hello there.
In vbscript(.CATvbs), all variables must be declared as variants:
Dim NewPart
Dim NewPart as variant
If you create your macro as an .CATScript, your code should work. The V5 automation documentation examples are mainly for CATScript.
-Bjorn D
Hello there.
I also find it annoying.
The sorting should have been an option in the user preferences, with the ability to sort by the column of choice.
-Bjorn D
Hi There.
Maybe you could use scenes to separate the different assembly configurations, and then make drawingviews from the scenes?
I haven't used scenes much myself,but I think this should work for your requirements.
-Bjorn D
Hello there.
I think in the most recent releases of CATIA you can choose "raster" as an option in the drawing view property box. I think you can choose to see the assembly colors in here as well, but there might be some more options in the "Tools"-menu for drafting to do this...
Hi there.
I'm a Spacemouse plus user and I think it is great. The buttons could be better placed though(I use about 4-5 of them regulary).
The buttons seems to be more ergonomically placed on the Spaceball, but I have never tried one myself.
I would recommend you try out one of these devices...
Hi there.
You can find it in the "Developers Room" under Automation -> Collaboration.
It seems they have changed the passwords to, at least I had to get a new password mailed to me.
You can put in Ascii characters by holding down the Alt-key and typing the ascii code-number. There are several sites listing these codes, have a look at:
http://www.asciitable.com/ for example
If you hold down the Alt key, type 234, you should get the omega-symbol. Be sure to use a...
Just a tip about the smartpick:
Using the Shift and Control Key on your keyboard to either lock or disable smartpick constraints when drawing.
Can't remember which is which right now :)
Hi there.
Use 'overload properties' which you'll find in the right click menu when clicking the viewframe.
With this feature you can uncheck "Use when Projecting", and the Part will not be shown in that view only.
See your documentation for further info on Overload properties in generative...
Hi there.
Don't know to much about 1)
Maybe try to use an all uppercase font.
For number 2):
editing the file "CATView.CATNls" should make this possible. Just remember to make a copy of the original file just in case..
Hi there.
The problem might be the mouse driver if you installed the ones that came with the mouse.
Make sure you enable standard windows behaviour for the wheel/middle button.
If this fails, try to uninstall the driver, and use the built in windows driver for the mouse.
Hi there.
I don't think it's possible at the moment to access the numbering in assembly or product workbench.
I haven't seen anything about it the documentation files.
I do hope they allow access to it in the near future, as it would make scripting in V5 much more powerful (easier BOMs etc..)...